

Last update: 2024-04-30
  • Topics:
  • Sources
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  • Created for:
  • Developer

The PathFactory source is in beta. Please read the sources overview for more information on using beta-labeled sources.

PathFactory offers a cloud-based platform that helps businesses manage content journeys and drive engagement through intelligent content insights. This guide details how you can integrate data from PathFactory into Experience Platform, utilizing PathFactory’s connectors for optimal data ingestion.

You can ingest data from PathFactory using three primary sources:

  • Visitors: Ingest customer and contact data as records to better understand your audience.
  • Sessions: Time series events that track individual user session activities on your platform.
  • Page Views: Time series events that provide insights into which pages are being viewed, helping you analyze content performance.

Read the document below for information on how you can set up your PathFactory source account.

IP address allow list

A list of IP addresses may require to be added to an allow list prior to working with source connectors. Failing to add your region-specific IP addresses to your allow list may lead to errors or non-performance when using sources. See the IP address allow list page for more information.


Before you begin integrating PathFactory connectors with Experience Platform, ensure you meet the following prerequisites:

  • A [PathFactory account].
    • Contact PathFactory if you do not already have a valid account.
  • An active subscription to any PathFactory product.
  • Username, password, and domain.
    • These credentials are required to access your PathFactory account and its data.
  • Access Token and API Endpoints.
    • These are necessary for connecting with PathFactory APIs.

How to Obtain Credentials and Access Tokens

To connect PathFactory to Experience Platform, you must provide the following credentials:

Credential Description Endpoint
Username Your PathFactory account username. Not applicable
Password Your PathFactory account password. Not applicable
Domain The domain associated with your PathFactory account. Not applicable
Access Token A unique token used for API authentication. Not applicable
Visitors Endpoint The API endpoint for visitor data. /api/public/v3/data_lake_apis/visitors.json
Sessions Endpoint The API endpoint for session data. /api/public/v3/data_lake_apis/sessions.json
Page Views Endpoint The API endpoint for page view data. /api/public/v3/data_lake_apis/page_views.json

For detailed instructions on how to obtain your username, password, domain, and access token, visit the PathFactory Support Center. This resource provides comprehensive guides on retrieving and managing your credentials.

Configure permissions on Experience Platform

You must have both View Sources and Manage Sources permissions enabled for your account in order to connect your PathFactory account to Experience Platform. Contact your product administrator to obtain the necessary permissions. For more information, read the access control UI guide.

Connect PathFactory to Platform

The documentation below provides information on how to connect PathFactory to Platform using APIs or the user interface:

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