Flow Service is used to collect and centralize customer data from various disparate sources within Platform. The service provides a user interface and RESTful API that lets you set-up source connections to various data providers with ease. These source connections enable you to authenticate your third-party systems, set times for ingestion runs, and manage data ingestion throughput.
This document provides a catalog of error messages, descriptions, and suggested resolutions regarding Flow Service.
The following table outlines errors regarding internal validation in Flow Service.
Error code | Title | Detailed message |
1100-400 |
Invalid request | The request could not be processed. Error from flow provider: Not entitled to this operation. |
1101-404 |
Resource not found | The requested resource is not found. Error from flow provider: Resource with given id does not exist. |
1102-500 |
Internal Error | An internal error has occurred. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact customer support. |
1103-503 |
Service Unavailable | The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact customer support. |
1104-504 |
Gateway Timeout | A gateway timeout has occurred. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact customer support. |
1400-500 |
Internal Error | An internal error has occurred. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact customer support. |
1401-400 |
Invalid request | The limit and count parameters cannot be given together in the same request. Please provide either only the limit or the count parameter and try again. |
1402-400 |
Invalid request | The action ‘finalize’ is supported for provider requests only. |
1403-400 |
Header is missing | The header ‘If-Match’ is missing in the request. Please provide the header and try again. |
1404-412 |
Version not matching | The supplied version ‘v1’ does not match the current version on entity ‘cc01fc2c-0000-0200’. Please ensure that the supplied version matches the current version on entity and try again. |
1405-400 |
Invalid request | The request body cannot be null or empty. Please provide a request body and try again. |
1406-400 |
Invalid request | The sub operation ‘progress’ cannot be applied with other sub operations. Please update the sub operations list and try again. |
1407-400 |
Invalid request | The status failed cannot be used with the progress subOp. Please remove the progress subOp or use the status=‘inProgress’ and try again. |
1408-400 |
Invalid request | The percent-completed should be 100 for the completed or failed states. Please update the percent-completed and try again. |
1409-400 |
Invalid request | The operation ‘finalize’ cannot be applied on the current state enabled-finalizing. Please update the operation and try again. |
1410-400 |
Invalid request | State is not allowed in the create flow request. |
1411-400 |
Invalid request | Unable to retrieve entityId. Invalid request received with path ‘baseConnections/123’. |
1412-400 |
Invalid request | Invalid Mapping Version in request. Please provide correct mapping version. |
1413-400 |
Invalid request | The spec ID provided is invalid. Please provide a valid spec ID and try again. |
1414-400 |
Invalid request | The connection spec of a connection cannot be updated. |
1415-400 |
Invalid request | The auth spec ‘authConnection’ could not be found for the connection spec ID ba6e206f-f233-ab16. |
1416-400 |
Invalid request | Delete or Update can only be applied on connection with enabled, disabled or initializing state. |
1417-400 |
Invalid request | Delete or Update on Connections in initializing state are not allowed with UserToken. |
1418-400 |
Invalid request | The base connection with the ID 35dcaad3-122a-4278 cannot be deleted because the base connection is being used in one or more flows. Please ensure that corresponding flows are deleted before deleting a base connection. |
1419-400 |
Invalid request | Error while validating mapping with id 45d90285d2d249acb87a72a2f12f7401, version 0. This could be because of inadequate permissions on mapped fields. Please check your mapping or contact your admin. |
1420-400 |
Invalid request | The current state disabling cannot be updated. |
1421-400 |
Invalid request | The current state updating cannot be transitioned. |
1422-400 |
Invalid request | The action disable cannot be applied on the current state {state}. Please update the action and try again. |
1423-400 |
Invalid request | An unhandled field baseSpec was provided in ConnectionSpecFiltering. Please update the field {field} and try again. |
1424-400 |
Invalid request | OrderBy is not supported with cross sandbox query. |
1425-400 |
Invalid request | Error while matching schema in target dataset 64ef1a3c0ef with schema in mapping 91ac5a2c0eb. Schema with same id and version must be used in both mapping and target dataset. |
1426-400 |
Invalid request | The user token is unauthorized to create/update the connection spec. Please ensure that the user token is authorized and try again. |
1427-400 |
Invalid request | The user token is unauthorized to create/update flow runs. Please ensure that the user token is authorized and try again. |
1428-400 |
Invalid request | Predecessor flow run not found with id aa6a206f-f233-4c2d. |
1429-400 |
Invalid request | Predecessor flow not found with id aa6a206f-f233-4c2d. |
1430-400 |
Invalid request | Flow not found with id aa6a206f-f233-4c2d. |
1431-400 |
Invalid request | Empty array ‘fields’ is not allowed in policy. |
1432-400 |
Invalid request | Sort order specified is not correct, prepend + for ascending order and - for descending order in the fieldName. |
1433-400 |
Invalid request | Incorrect field= #id passed in orderBy, example are +name, -name, name. |
1434-400 |
Invalid request | Unsupported operation ‘move’ received. Please use one of the supported operation types and try again. |
1435-400 |
Invalid request | Unsupported sub action ‘reverse’ received. Please use one of the supported sub action types and try again. |
1436-400 |
Invalid request | Unsupported sub operation PROGRESS received for operation enable. |
1437-400 |
Invalid request | Unsupported status value ‘started’ received. Please update the status value and try again. |
1438-400 |
Invalid request | Unsupported aggregate operation ‘average’ received. |
1439-400 |
Resource not found | The requested flows resource 3f4ae131-b384-4e73 is not found. Verify the resource ID before trying again. |
1440-400 |
Invalid request | Operator ‘~’ not implemented. |
1441-400 |
Invalid request | Aggregate function ‘average’ not implemented. |
1442-400 |
Invalid request | Aggregation not allowed on field id. |
1443-400 |
Invalid request | Operator ‘<=’ is not allowed for multiple values. |
1444-400 |
Invalid request | Flow 3f4ae131-b384-4e73 is not in expected state pending. |
1445-400 |
Invalid request | PATCH Connection Feature not enabled. |
1446-400 |
Invalid request | The flow ID cannot be null or empty. Please update the flow ID and try again. |
1447-400 |
Invalid request | Found active flows containing id aa6a206f-f233-4c2d. |
1448-400 |
Invalid request | Operator >= not supported for field id. |
1449-400 |
Invalid request | Invalid field connections in filter params. |
1450-400 |
Invalid request | Invalid operator !> in filter params. |
1451-400 |
Invalid request | Invalid params testParam provided in query params. |
1452-400 |
Invalid request | Invalid value 1676643256,1676643210 for field createdAt. |
1453-400 |
Invalid request | Invalid query value createdAt== provided in query param. |
1454-400 |
Invalid request | Unhandled Filter Value Type provided. |
1455-400 |
Invalid request | An error has occurred while validating patch instructions: Missing field “keyWhichDoesNotExist”. |
1456-400 |
Invalid request | State delete-finalizing is not a valid value. Allowed values are [enabled, disabled, initializing]. |
1457-400 |
Invalid request | Operation update cannot be applied in state delete-finalizing. |
1458-400 |
Invalid request | Operation delete cannot be applied in state delete-finalizing. |
The following table outlines errors regarding verification of the user token for authorization
Error code | Title | Detailed message |
2000-401 |
Invalid authorization token | The authorization token does not have access to this organization or the organization does not exist. Please ensure that the organization exists or contact your administrator to gain access. |
2001-401 |
Header is missing or empty | The header x-gw-ims-org-id is either missing or empty. Please update the header value and try again. |
2002-401 |
Header is missing | The header x-gw-ims-org-id is missing in the request. Please update the header value and try again. |
2100-404 |
Sandbox not found | The sandbox with the name ‘dev’ could not be found. Please ensure that the sandbox name is correct and try again. |
2101-404 |
Sandbox not found | The sandbox with the name ‘dev’ could not be found. Error from Sandbox Management API: Sandbox with name ‘dev’ not present. Please check if resource exists. |
2102-500 |
Get sandbox by name error | There was a problem retrieving a sandbox with the name ‘dev’. Error from Sandbox Management API: Something went wrong. Please try again. |
2103-404 |
Sandbox not found | The sandbox with ID 8da3ef09-b469-404a and name dev could not be found. Please ensure that the ID and sandbox name values are correct and try again. |
2104-500 |
Get sandbox by identifier error | There was a problem retrieving a sandbox with id ‘8da3ef09-b469-404a’ and name ‘dev’. Error from Sandbox Management API: Something went wrong. Please try again. |
2105-400 |
Header is missing | The header x-sandbox-name is missing in the request. Please add the header in the request and try again. |
2106-404 |
Get default sandbox error | The default sandbox information could not be found. |
2107-500 |
Get default sandbox error | There was a problem retrieving a default sandbox. Error from Sandbox Management API: Something went wrong. Please try again. |
2108-500 |
Get active sandboxes error | There was a problem retrieving an active sandbox. Error from Sandbox Management API: Something went wrong. Please try again. |
2110-400 |
Headers not allowed | The header x-sandbox-id is not allowed with the user token. Please update the header and try again. |
2111-403 |
Headers with value restricted | The header x-sandbox-name with value * is restricted with the user token. Please update the header and value and try again. |
2112-400 |
Headers with different value not allowed | The headers x-sandbox-name and x-sandbox-id both must have the value * for cross sandbox query. Please update the headers and try again. |
2113-400 |
Headers with value not allowed | The headers x-sandbox-id and x-sandbox-name with value * are not allowed for the request. Please update the headers and try again. |
2114-400 |
Empty token | Empty token provided. Please provide a token and try again. |
2115-400 |
Invalid token | Invalid token provided. Please provide a valid token and try again. |
2116-500 |
Internal Error | An internal error has occurred during offline decoding of bearer token for scope resolution. |
2117-500 |
Internal Error | An internal error has occurred while checking permissions for user. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact customer support. |
2118-403 |
Missing permission | The permission write is missing. Please contact your administrator to resolve permissions and try again. |
2119-400 |
Query parameter missing | The request context does not contain the required query parameter specId. Please provide the missing query parameter and try again. |
2120-403 |
Forbidden | You do not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation. Please contact your administrator to resolve permissions and try again. |
2121-403 |
Forbidden | The permission manage is denied on resource Enterprise Source. Please contact your administrator to resolve permissions and try again. |
2200-500 |
External service request error | There was a problem while calling the Catalog service for validating schema. |
2250-500 |
External service request error | There was a problem while calling the Data Prep service for validating mapping. |