Sources error messages

Last update: 2023-04-11
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  • Created for:
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This document provides a catalog of error messages, descriptions, and suggested resolutions for sources.

Generic errors

Error code Title Detailed message
1000-400 Bad request The request is invalid. Please check the request and try again.
1001-401 Unauthorized The user is unauthorized. Please contact your administrator to gain access to the resource.
1002-403 Forbidden The requested operation is forbidden. Please check the requested operation and try again.
1003-404 Resource not found The requested resource is not found. Please check the provided request and try again.
1004-415 Unsupported Media Type The provided payload format is unsupported. Please check your provided request and try again.
1005-500 Internal Error An internal error has occurred. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1006-408 Request Timeout An error occurred while processing the request. The request has been timed out. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1007-400 Invalid header parameter An invalid header parameter: {headerName} has been received. Please check the header parameters and try again.
1008-401 Invalid authorization token
1009-403 IMS org id is missing or empty The organization ID request header is either missing or empty. Please update the header value and try again.
1010-500 Invalid detailed-message The parameter in the detailed-message has not been properly provided. Please check the parameter in the detailed-message and try again.
1011-503 Service Unavailable The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1012-504 Gateway Timeout A gateway timeout has occurred. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1013-412 Precondition Failed The condition defined by the If-Unmodified-Since or If-None-Match headers is not fulfilled. Please check and try again.
1014-400 Bad Request Illegal Argument The request could not be processed.

Framework errors

Error code Title Detailed message
1100-400 Bad Request The request could not be processed.
1101-500 Internal Error An internal error has occurred. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1102-404 Resource not found The requested resource is not found.
1103-503 Service Unavailable The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1104-504 Gateway Timeout A gateway timeout has occurred. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1105-401 Unauthorized The user is unauthorized.
1106-403 Forbidden The requested operation is forbidden.
1107-412 Precondition Failed The condition defined by the If-Unmodified-Since or If-None-Match headers is not fulfilled.

Encryption errors

Error code Title Detailed message
1200-500 Internal Error An internal error has occurred. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1201-400 Bad Request The flowId cannot be null or empty. Please provide a valid flowId in request and try again.
1202-400 Bad Request The publicKeyId is missing in the flow’s transformations={transformations}. Please provide publicKeyId in the request and try again.
1203-400 Bad Request The encryption key does not exist against the keyID={keyID} in the flow’s transformations={transformations}. Please check your provided keyID and try again.
1204-400 Bad Request The provided encryption algorithm is invalid. Please provide a valid encryption algorithm and try again.
1205-400 Bad Request The passphrase is missing in the params section in the provided request. Please provide passPhrase in params and try again.

REST API errors

Error code Title Detailed message
1300-400 Bad Request The patch connection request is not supported for {connectorType} connector. Please check the provided request and try again.
1301-400 Bad Request The provided authSpecType param : {authSpecType} is not supported. Please provide a valid auth spec type and try again.
1302-400 Bad Request The provided authentication type = {authType} is not supported for connector={connectorType}. Please provide a valid auth type for the given connector.
1303-400 Bad Request The URL could not be encoded with the given auth params because URL encoding is not supported for {value}. Please check your auth params and try again.
1304-400 Bad Request The mandatory field {field} is not provided. Please provide the {field} and try again.
1305-400 Bad Request The provided connector type = {connectorType} is not supported for this operation.
1306-400 Bad Request The target connection cannot be null while validating the target connection spec ID. Please check the provided request and try again.
1307-400 Bad Request The target connection spec ID is not valid={targetConnectionSpecId}. The allowed value is: c604ff05-7f1a-43c0-8e18-33bf874cb11c.
1308-400 Bad Request The request could not be processed. Error message:
1309-400 Bad Request The encryption transformation provided is invalid because {requiredParam} is missing in the params. Please provide {requiredParam} and try again.
1310-400 Bad Request The provided publicKeyId in the params is expired. Please provide a valid publicKeyId and try again.
1311-400 Bad Request The publicKeyId provided in params is invalid. Please provide a valid publicKeyId and try again.
1312-400 Bad Request The provided param value {paramValue} is not a valid input for property={requestParam}. Please provide a valid param value and try again.
1313-400 Bad Request The path attribute {attribute} does not exist. Please make sure the attribute exists and try again.
1314-400 Bad Request A complex path has been provided but is not allowed. Please make sure complex path is not provided and try again.
1315-400 Bad Request The provided path {path} should point to an array of records. Please make sure the provided path points to the array of records and try again.
1316-400 Bad Request The provided pagination params should not be empty. Please provide valid pagination params and try again.
1317-400 Bad Request The provided schedule params are empty but should not be empty. Please provide valid schedule params and try again.
1318-400 Bad Request {combinedMessage}. Please check the provided request and try again.
1319-400 Bad Request The {param} should be part of parent collection. Please provide {param} in parent collection and try again.
1320-400 Bad Request The {idType} cannot be null or empty. Please provide valid {idType} and try again.
1321-400 Bad Request The length of {idType} should be one, supplied size is {size}. Please provide valid size and try again.
1322-400 Bad Request The source connection cannot be null for building the schema ref. Please provide valid source connection and try again.
1323-400 Bad Request The {entity} cannot be null or empty in the source connection: {sourceConnection}. Please provide valid {entity} and try again.
1324-400 Bad Request The target connection cannot be null when extracting the dataset ID. Please provide valid target connection and try again.
1325-400 Bad Request The dataSetId param cannot be null or empty in target connection: {TargetConnection}. Please provide valid dataSetId param and try again.
1326-400 Bad Request The source connection cannot be null when fetching the source format. Please provide valid source connection and try again.
1327-400 Bad Request The format of source data supplied={sourceFormat} in SourceConnection is not supported. The allowed values are: {values}. Please provide allowed values and try again.
1328-400 Bad Request The mapping transformation cannot be null when extracting {param}. Please provide valid mapping transformation and try again.
1329-400 Bad Request The param: {param} cannot be null or empty in the provided request. Please provide valid {param} and try again.
1330-400 Bad Request No columns were found for table {tableName}. Please provide a valid table name and try again.
1331-400 Bad Request Column Delimiter cannot be more than one character in SourceConnection: {sourceConnection}. Please provide valid column delimiter and try again.
1332-400 Bad Request The source connection request with the connectionSpecId: {connectionSpecId} cannot have a baseConnectionId. Please remove the baseConnectionId and try again.
1333-400 Bad Reques The flowRunAction={flowRunAction} is not supported for source with spec id={specId}. Please provide valid flow run action and try again.
1334-400 Bad Request The query param : {param} cannot be empty. Please provide valid {param} and try again.
1335-400 Bad Request An error occurred while serializing the filter params for explore. Please check your filter param request and try again.
1336-400 Bad Request Explore connection is not supported for connection spec ID: {connectionSpecId}. Please provide supported connection spec id and try again.
1337-400 Bad Request The {QueryParam} cannot be empty for objectType={objectType}. Please provide valid {QueryParam} and try again.
1338-400 Bad Request The {connectionType} connection ID can’t be null in flowRequest. Please provide valid {connectionType} connection ID in flowRequest.
1339-400 Bad Request The format of the organization={imsOrg} provided in the request is invalid. Please provide a valid organization ID and try again.
1340-400 Bad Request An error occurred while parsing {time}. Please check the time format provided in the request and try again.
1341-400 Bad Request The provided ODI Json is empty. Please provide valid ODI Json and try again.
1342-400 Bad Request The ‘dls:folder’ segment in ‘odi.json’ is missing definitions. Please provide appropriate definitions in ‘odi.json’ and try again.
1343-400 Bad Request The ‘dls:entityReferences’ and ‘dls:partitionSpec’ segments in ‘odi.json’ are both missing definitions. Please provide the appropriate definitions in ‘odi.json’ and try again.
1344-400 Bad Request The definition for ‘dls:partitionSpec’ in ‘odi.json’ is invalid because more than one partitionSpecs were found. Please provide appropriate definitions in ‘odi.json’ and try again.
1345-400 Bad Request Definitions are missing in 1 or more segments in paths: ‘dls:partitionSpec/dls:fileFormat’, ‘dls:partitionSpec/dls:partitionTemplate’,‘dls:partitionSpec/dls:fileFormat/@type’, ‘dls:partitionSpec/dls:fileFormat/dls:csvDelimiters’ in ‘odi.json’. Please provide appropriate definitions in ‘odi.json’ and try again.
1346-400 Bad Request The ‘@type’ definition provided in ‘dls:fileFormat’ in ‘odi.json’ is invalid. Please provide appropriate definitions in ‘odi.json’ and try again.
1347-400 Bad Request The dls:csvDelimiters’ definition in ‘odi.json’ is unsupported. The supported csvDelimiters are: [‘,’]. Please provide appropriate definitions in ‘odi.json’ and try again.
1348-400 Bad Request An error occurred when deserializing ‘dls:entityReferences’. Please check if the data is in valid format and try again.
1349-400 Bad Request The provided filter params are invalid. Please provide valid filter params and try again.
1350-400 Bad Request No operator was provided for filter at source. Please provide a valid filter request with appropriate operator and try again.
1351-400 Bad Request The provided operator {operator} is not supported for filter at source for this connector. Please provide a valid operator and try again.
1352-400 Bad Request The provided operator {operator} cannot be mapped to any supported native operator for {ql}. Please provide a valid operator and try again.
1353-400 Bad Request The filter at source is not yet supported for {connectorType} connector. Please check the supported connectors in the documentation:
1354-400 Bad Request The query language {ql} is not yet supported for filter at source. Please provide valid a query language and try again.
1355-400 Bad Request The provided filter type is invalid. The supported filter type is: PQL. Please provide a valid filter type and try again.
1356-400 Bad Request The provided filter format is invalid. The supported filter format is : pql/json. Please provide valid filter format and try again.
1357-400 Bad Request The provided filter is invalid. The value must be provided with detailed filters. Please provide valid filter and try again.
1358-400 Bad Request The provided param ‘objectType’ is invalid. Please provide a valid objectType and try again.
1359-400 Bad Request The param {param} is missing in the request. Please provide a valid {param} and try again.
1360-400 Bad Request The start time cannot be set in the past. Please provide a valid start time and try again.
1361-400 Bad Request Interval is not allowed with one time ingestion. Please remove interval or change frequency and then try again.
1362-400 Bad Request Interval cannot be less than {minInterval}. Please provide a valid interval value and try again.
1363-400 Bad Request Interval {interval} is not allowed with frequency: {frequency}. Please provide a valid interval value and try again.
1364-400 Bad Request The backfill flag is not allowed when frequency is set to one. Please remove the backfill flag when frequency is set to once and try again.
1365-400 Bad Request The path {path} provided in ops is invalid. Please provide valid path {path} and try again.
1366-400 Bad Request The start time has passed and the update operation is no longer allowed.
1367-400 Bad Request The delta column is required in copy transformation when creating a CRM connector. Please provide delta column and try again.
1368-400 Bad Request Mode is not allowed in flow request. Please check your request and try again.
1369-400 Bad Request The delta column in copy transform is not allowed when frequency is set to once. Please remove the delta column and try again.
1370-400 Bad Request The source columns could not be fetched for ingestion because the mapping transformation is missing. Please add the mapping transformation and try again.
1371-400 Bad Request The file properties detection is not supported for {connectorType} connector. Please provide the file properties manually.
1372-400 Bad Request The current operation is not allowed. Explore via connection spec is not allowed for connection spec ID={connectionSpecId}.
1373-400 Bad Request The flowSpecType is missing in the request. Please provide a valid flowSpecType and try again.
1374-400 Bad Request The query parameters provided are invalid. You cannot have the determineProperties flag and user-defined properties in the same request. Please correct your request and try again.
1375-400 Bad Request The file properties detection failed. Please enter properties manually.
1376-400 Bad Request The file properties detection is not supported for connection spec id={connectionSpecId}. Please provide the file properties manually.
1377-400 Bad Request The provided value param is null and cannot be compared with operator {operator}. Please provide valid value param and try again.
1378-400 Bad Request An error occurred while validating the input column {column} for filter at source. The column name should be a valid column in the table. Please provide a valid column name and try again.
1379-400 Bad Request An error occurred while validating the input {value} for filter at source. The column DataType at source is {columnDataType} and value DataType [String] does not match. Please provide a valid {value} and try again.
1380-400 Bad Request Failed to create flow run. Error message:
1381-400 Bad Request WindowEndTime={endTime} cannot be before Window StartTime={startTime}. Please provide a valid end time and try again.
1382-400 Bad Request The delta column should match the value present in the flow’s Copy transformations. Please provide a valid delta column and try again.
1383-400 Bad Request The delta column is missing in the params received for creating a flow run. Please provide delta column in params and try again.
1384-400 Bad Request The params={params} provided for creating flow run are invalid or empty. Please provide valid params and try again.
1385-400 Bad Request The provided connectorType={connectorType} is not supported for creating flow runs. Please provide a valid connectorType and try again.
1386-400 Bad Request The flowId={flowId} with scheduleParams frequency={frequency} is not supported for creating flow runs. Please provide a valid frequency and try again.
1387-400 Bad Request The flowRunId={flowRunId} is in an invalid state={state} for re-triggering. Please try again after some time and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1388-400 Bad Request The flow={flow} is in state={state} and cannot be re-triggered. The flow must be in enabled state for re-triggering.
1389-400 Bad Request An error occurred while parsing the provided base64-encoded string. Please provide a valid encoded filter string and try again.
1390-400 Bad Request The ‘not’ operator cannot have have more than one comparison. Please provide a valid number of comparisons and try again.
1391-400 Bad Request Failed to parse SchemaMetaData in sourceConnection for Id={sourceConnectionId}. Please check the schemaMetaData in your request and try again.
1392-400 Bad Request Failed to parse Transformations in flow request for flowId={flowId}. Please check the transformations in your request and try again.
1393-400 Bad Request The provided parameter {parameter} is null or empty. Please provide a valid {parameter} and try again.
1394-400 Bad Request The minimum value for a parameter {parameter} is one. Please provide a valid {parameter} and try again.
1395-400 Bad Request The source connection found in the flow is either null or empty. Please provide a valid source connection in the flow and try again.
1396-400 Bad Request A matching format could not be found. Please provide a matching format and try again.
1397-400 Bad Request The provided frequency : {frequency} is invalid. Please provide a valid frequency and try again.
1398-400 Bad Request The provided operation : {action} is unsupported. Please check the operation provided and try again.
1399-400 Bad Request A valid requestFileType could not be found. Please provide a valid requestFileType and try again.
1400-400 Bad Request The provided param ‘templateType’ is invalid. Please provide a valid template type and try again.
1401-400 Bad Request The provided flow run action={flowRunAction} is not supported. Please provide a valid flow run action and try again.
1402-500 Internal Error An internal error has occurred. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1403-400 Bad Request The start time has passed and you can no longer change the frequency to once.
1404-400 Bad Request The start time has passed and you can no longer update backfill.

Flow Service Exceptions (1600-1699)

Error code Title Detailed message
1600-400 Bad Request The request could not be processed.
1601-500 Internal Error An internal error has occurred. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1602-404 Resource not found The requested resource is not found.
1603-503 Service Unavailable The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again. Contact customer support if the problem persists.
1604-504 Gateway Timeout A gateway timeout has occurred. Please try again. Contact customer support if the problem persists.
1605-401 Unauthorized The user is unauthorized.
1606-403 Forbidden The requested operation is forbidden.
1607-412 Precondition Failed The condition defined by the If-Unmodified-Since or If-None-Match headers is not fulfilled.

Data Landing Zone errors

Error code Title Detailed message
1700-500 Internal Error An internal error has occurred. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1701-400 Bad Request The provided landing zone is inactive. Please activate the landing zone and try again.
1702-400 Bad Request The SAS Type={sasType} provided for the landing zone is not allowed. Please provide a valid SAS and try again.
1703-400 Bad Request The refresh of Credentials is not allowed.
1704-400 Bad Request The keys returned for storageAccountName={accountName} in subscriptionId={subscriptionId} and resourceGroupName={resourceGroupName} are malformed. Please check your request and try again. Please contact support if problem persists.
1705-400 Bad Request The provided data landing zone action is unsupported. Please provide a valid action and try again.
1706-400 Bad Request The allowed activations config is not configured correctly for landing zone={landingZoneType}. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists.
1707-400 Bad Request The service failed to startup because the landing zone config cannot be null or empty. Please make sure landing zone config is not null and try again.
1708-400 Bad Request The container config cannot be null in landingZoneType={landingZoneType}. Please make sure the container config is not null and try again.
1709-400 Bad Request The SAS details cannot be null for {tokenConfig} in landingZoneType={landingZoneType}. Please provide a valid SAS in the config and try again.
1710-400 Bad Request The provided landing zone of type: {landingZoneUseCase} is not supported. Please provide a valid landing zone type and try again.
1711-400 Bad Request The SAS details were not found for the provided data landing zone of type: {landingZoneUseCase}. Please check if SAS details are provided for the provided landing zone type.
1712-400 Bad Request The provided landing zone action : {actionType} is not allowed. Please provide a valid data landing zone action and try again.
1713-400 Bad Request The {OperationType} is not allowed for the provided {tokenType}. Please check your request and try again.
1714-400 Bad Request The clientId={clientId} is not allowed to perform this operation. Please check your request with permissions and try again.

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