1300-400 |
Bad Request |
The patch connection request is not supported for {connectorType} connector. Please check the provided request and try again. |
1301-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided authSpecType param : {authSpecType} is not supported. Please provide a valid auth spec type and try again. |
1302-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided authentication type = {authType} is not supported for connector={connectorType}. Please provide a valid auth type for the given connector. |
1303-400 |
Bad Request |
The URL could not be encoded with the given auth params because URL encoding is not supported for {value}. Please check your auth params and try again. |
1304-400 |
Bad Request |
The mandatory field {field} is not provided. Please provide the {field} and try again. |
1305-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided connector type = {connectorType} is not supported for this operation. |
1306-400 |
Bad Request |
The target connection cannot be null while validating the target connection spec ID. Please check the provided request and try again. |
1307-400 |
Bad Request |
The target connection spec ID is not valid={targetConnectionSpecId}. The allowed value is: c604ff05-7f1a-43c0-8e18-33bf874cb11c . |
1308-400 |
Bad Request |
The request could not be processed. Error message: |
1309-400 |
Bad Request |
The encryption transformation provided is invalid because {requiredParam} is missing in the params. Please provide {requiredParam} and try again. |
1310-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided publicKeyId in the params is expired. Please provide a valid publicKeyId and try again. |
1311-400 |
Bad Request |
The publicKeyId provided in params is invalid. Please provide a valid publicKeyId and try again. |
1312-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided param value {paramValue} is not a valid input for property={requestParam}. Please provide a valid param value and try again. |
1313-400 |
Bad Request |
The path attribute {attribute} does not exist. Please make sure the attribute exists and try again. |
1314-400 |
Bad Request |
A complex path has been provided but is not allowed. Please make sure complex path is not provided and try again. |
1315-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided path {path} should point to an array of records. Please make sure the provided path points to the array of records and try again. |
1316-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided pagination params should not be empty. Please provide valid pagination params and try again. |
1317-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided schedule params are empty but should not be empty. Please provide valid schedule params and try again. |
1318-400 |
Bad Request |
{combinedMessage}. Please check the provided request and try again. |
1319-400 |
Bad Request |
The {param} should be part of parent collection. Please provide {param} in parent collection and try again. |
1320-400 |
Bad Request |
The {idType} cannot be null or empty. Please provide valid {idType} and try again. |
1321-400 |
Bad Request |
The length of {idType} should be one, supplied size is {size}. Please provide valid size and try again. |
1322-400 |
Bad Request |
The source connection cannot be null for building the schema ref. Please provide valid source connection and try again. |
1323-400 |
Bad Request |
The {entity} cannot be null or empty in the source connection: {sourceConnection}. Please provide valid {entity} and try again. |
1324-400 |
Bad Request |
The target connection cannot be null when extracting the dataset ID. Please provide valid target connection and try again. |
1325-400 |
Bad Request |
The dataSetId param cannot be null or empty in target connection: {TargetConnection}. Please provide valid dataSetId param and try again. |
1326-400 |
Bad Request |
The source connection cannot be null when fetching the source format. Please provide valid source connection and try again. |
1327-400 |
Bad Request |
The format of source data supplied={sourceFormat} in SourceConnection is not supported. The allowed values are: {values}. Please provide allowed values and try again. |
1328-400 |
Bad Request |
The mapping transformation cannot be null when extracting {param}. Please provide valid mapping transformation and try again. |
1329-400 |
Bad Request |
The param: {param} cannot be null or empty in the provided request. Please provide valid {param} and try again. |
1330-400 |
Bad Request |
No columns were found for table {tableName}. Please provide a valid table name and try again. |
1331-400 |
Bad Request |
Column Delimiter cannot be more than one character in SourceConnection: {sourceConnection}. Please provide valid column delimiter and try again. |
1332-400 |
Bad Request |
The source connection request with the connectionSpecId: {connectionSpecId} cannot have a baseConnectionId. Please remove the baseConnectionId and try again. |
1333-400 |
Bad Reques |
The flowRunAction={flowRunAction} is not supported for source with spec id={specId}. Please provide valid flow run action and try again. |
1334-400 |
Bad Request |
The query param : {param} cannot be empty. Please provide valid {param} and try again. |
1335-400 |
Bad Request |
An error occurred while serializing the filter params for explore. Please check your filter param request and try again. |
1336-400 |
Bad Request |
Explore connection is not supported for connection spec ID: {connectionSpecId}. Please provide supported connection spec id and try again. |
1337-400 |
Bad Request |
The {QueryParam} cannot be empty for objectType={objectType}. Please provide valid {QueryParam} and try again. |
1338-400 |
Bad Request |
The {connectionType} connection ID can’t be null in flowRequest. Please provide valid {connectionType} connection ID in flowRequest. |
1339-400 |
Bad Request |
The format of the organization={imsOrg} provided in the request is invalid. Please provide a valid organization ID and try again. |
1340-400 |
Bad Request |
An error occurred while parsing {time}. Please check the time format provided in the request and try again. |
1341-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided ODI Json is empty. Please provide valid ODI Json and try again. |
1342-400 |
Bad Request |
The ‘dls:folder’ segment in ‘odi.json’ is missing definitions. Please provide appropriate definitions in ‘odi.json’ and try again. |
1343-400 |
Bad Request |
The ‘dls:entityReferences’ and ‘dls:partitionSpec’ segments in ‘odi.json’ are both missing definitions. Please provide the appropriate definitions in ‘odi.json’ and try again. |
1344-400 |
Bad Request |
The definition for ‘dls:partitionSpec’ in ‘odi.json’ is invalid because more than one partitionSpecs were found. Please provide appropriate definitions in ‘odi.json’ and try again. |
1345-400 |
Bad Request |
Definitions are missing in 1 or more segments in paths: ‘dls:partitionSpec/dls:fileFormat’, ‘dls:partitionSpec/dls:partitionTemplate’,‘dls:partitionSpec/dls:fileFormat/@type’, ‘dls:partitionSpec/dls:fileFormat/dls:csvDelimiters’ in ‘odi.json’. Please provide appropriate definitions in ‘odi.json’ and try again. |
1346-400 |
Bad Request |
The ‘@type’ definition provided in ‘dls:fileFormat’ in ‘odi.json’ is invalid. Please provide appropriate definitions in ‘odi.json’ and try again. |
1347-400 |
Bad Request |
The dls:csvDelimiters’ definition in ‘odi.json’ is unsupported. The supported csvDelimiters are: [‘,’]. Please provide appropriate definitions in ‘odi.json’ and try again. |
1348-400 |
Bad Request |
An error occurred when deserializing ‘dls:entityReferences’. Please check if the data is in valid format and try again. |
1349-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided filter params are invalid. Please provide valid filter params and try again. |
1350-400 |
Bad Request |
No operator was provided for filter at source. Please provide a valid filter request with appropriate operator and try again. |
1351-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided operator {operator} is not supported for filter at source for this connector. Please provide a valid operator and try again. |
1352-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided operator {operator} cannot be mapped to any supported native operator for {ql}. Please provide a valid operator and try again. |
1353-400 |
Bad Request |
The filter at source is not yet supported for {connectorType} connector. Please check the supported connectors in the documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/sources/api-tutorials/filter.html. |
1354-400 |
Bad Request |
The query language {ql} is not yet supported for filter at source. Please provide valid a query language and try again. |
1355-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided filter type is invalid. The supported filter type is: PQL. Please provide a valid filter type and try again. |
1356-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided filter format is invalid. The supported filter format is : pql/json. Please provide valid filter format and try again. |
1357-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided filter is invalid. The value must be provided with detailed filters. Please provide valid filter and try again. |
1358-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided param ‘objectType’ is invalid. Please provide a valid objectType and try again. |
1359-400 |
Bad Request |
The param {param} is missing in the request. Please provide a valid {param} and try again. |
1360-400 |
Bad Request |
The start time cannot be set in the past. Please provide a valid start time and try again. |
1361-400 |
Bad Request |
Interval is not allowed with one time ingestion. Please remove interval or change frequency and then try again. |
1362-400 |
Bad Request |
Interval cannot be less than {minInterval}. Please provide a valid interval value and try again. |
1363-400 |
Bad Request |
Interval {interval} is not allowed with frequency: {frequency}. Please provide a valid interval value and try again. |
1364-400 |
Bad Request |
The backfill flag is not allowed when frequency is set to one. Please remove the backfill flag when frequency is set to once and try again. |
1365-400 |
Bad Request |
The path {path} provided in ops is invalid. Please provide valid path {path} and try again. |
1366-400 |
Bad Request |
The start time has passed and the update operation is no longer allowed. |
1367-400 |
Bad Request |
The delta column is required in copy transformation when creating a CRM connector. Please provide delta column and try again. |
1368-400 |
Bad Request |
Mode is not allowed in flow request. Please check your request and try again. |
1369-400 |
Bad Request |
The delta column in copy transform is not allowed when frequency is set to once. Please remove the delta column and try again. |
1370-400 |
Bad Request |
The source columns could not be fetched for ingestion because the mapping transformation is missing. Please add the mapping transformation and try again. |
1371-400 |
Bad Request |
The file properties detection is not supported for {connectorType} connector. Please provide the file properties manually. |
1372-400 |
Bad Request |
The current operation is not allowed. Explore via connection spec is not allowed for connection spec ID={connectionSpecId}. |
1373-400 |
Bad Request |
The flowSpecType is missing in the request. Please provide a valid flowSpecType and try again. |
1374-400 |
Bad Request |
The query parameters provided are invalid. You cannot have the determineProperties flag and user-defined properties in the same request. Please correct your request and try again. |
1375-400 |
Bad Request |
The file properties detection failed. Please enter properties manually. |
1376-400 |
Bad Request |
The file properties detection is not supported for connection spec id={connectionSpecId}. Please provide the file properties manually. |
1377-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided value param is null and cannot be compared with operator {operator}. Please provide valid value param and try again. |
1378-400 |
Bad Request |
An error occurred while validating the input column {column} for filter at source. The column name should be a valid column in the table. Please provide a valid column name and try again. |
1379-400 |
Bad Request |
An error occurred while validating the input {value} for filter at source. The column DataType at source is {columnDataType} and value DataType [String] does not match. Please provide a valid {value} and try again. |
1380-400 |
Bad Request |
Failed to create flow run. Error message: |
1381-400 |
Bad Request |
WindowEndTime={endTime} cannot be before Window StartTime={startTime}. Please provide a valid end time and try again. |
1382-400 |
Bad Request |
The delta column should match the value present in the flow’s Copy transformations. Please provide a valid delta column and try again. |
1383-400 |
Bad Request |
The delta column is missing in the params received for creating a flow run. Please provide delta column in params and try again. |
1384-400 |
Bad Request |
The params={params} provided for creating flow run are invalid or empty. Please provide valid params and try again. |
1385-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided connectorType={connectorType} is not supported for creating flow runs. Please provide a valid connectorType and try again. |
1386-400 |
Bad Request |
The flowId={flowId} with scheduleParams frequency={frequency} is not supported for creating flow runs. Please provide a valid frequency and try again. |
1387-400 |
Bad Request |
The flowRunId={flowRunId} is in an invalid state={state} for re-triggering. Please try again after some time and contact customer support if the problem persists. |
1388-400 |
Bad Request |
The flow={flow} is in state={state} and cannot be re-triggered. The flow must be in enabled state for re-triggering. |
1389-400 |
Bad Request |
An error occurred while parsing the provided base64-encoded string. Please provide a valid encoded filter string and try again. |
1390-400 |
Bad Request |
The ‘not’ operator cannot have have more than one comparison. Please provide a valid number of comparisons and try again. |
1391-400 |
Bad Request |
Failed to parse SchemaMetaData in sourceConnection for Id={sourceConnectionId}. Please check the schemaMetaData in your request and try again. |
1392-400 |
Bad Request |
Failed to parse Transformations in flow request for flowId={flowId}. Please check the transformations in your request and try again. |
1393-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided parameter {parameter} is null or empty. Please provide a valid {parameter} and try again. |
1394-400 |
Bad Request |
The minimum value for a parameter {parameter} is one. Please provide a valid {parameter} and try again. |
1395-400 |
Bad Request |
The source connection found in the flow is either null or empty. Please provide a valid source connection in the flow and try again. |
1396-400 |
Bad Request |
A matching format could not be found. Please provide a matching format and try again. |
1397-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided frequency : {frequency} is invalid. Please provide a valid frequency and try again. |
1398-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided operation : {action} is unsupported. Please check the operation provided and try again. |
1399-400 |
Bad Request |
A valid requestFileType could not be found. Please provide a valid requestFileType and try again. |
1400-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided param ‘templateType’ is invalid. Please provide a valid template type and try again. |
1401-400 |
Bad Request |
The provided flow run action={flowRunAction} is not supported. Please provide a valid flow run action and try again. |
1402-500 |
Internal Error |
An internal error has occurred. Please try again and contact customer support if the problem persists. |
1403-400 |
Bad Request |
The start time has passed and you can no longer change the frequency to once. |
1404-400 |
Bad Request |
The start time has passed and you can no longer update backfill. |