Self-Serve Sources Streaming SDK is in beta. Please read the sources overview for more information on using beta-labeled sources.
The final steps to integrating your new source to Adobe Experience Platform using Self-Serve Sources (Streaming SDK) are to test and submit your new source. Once you have completed your connection specification and updated the streaming flow specification, you can start testing your source’s functionality through either the API or the UI. When successful, you can then submit your new source by contacting your Adobe representative.
The following document provides steps on how to test and debug your source using the Flow Service API.
To test your source using the API, you must run the Self-Serve Sources verification collection and environment on Postman while providing the appropriate environment variables that pertain to your source.
To start testing, you must first set up the collection and environment on Postman. Next, specify the connection specification ID that you want to test.
All of the example variables below are placeholder values that you must update, except for flowSpecificationId
and targetConnectionSpecId
, which are fixed values.
Parameter | Description | Example |
x-api-key |
A unique identifier used to authenticate calls to Experience Platform APIs. See the tutorial on authenticating and accessing Experience Platform APIs for information on how to retrieve your x-api-key . |
c8d9a2f5c1e03789bd22e8efdd1bdc1b |
x-gw-ims-org-id |
A corporate entity that can own or license products and services and allow access to its members. See the tutorial on setting up developer console and Postman for instructions on how to retrieve your x-gw-ims-org-id information. |
authorizationToken |
The authorization token required to complete calls to Experience Platform APIs. See the tutorial on authenticating and accessing Experience Platform APIs for information on how to retrieve your authorizationToken . |
Bearer authorizationToken |
schemaId |
In order for the source data to be used in Platform, a target schema must be created to structure the source data according to your needs. For detailed steps on how to create a target XDM schema, see the tutorial on creating a schema using the API. |{TENANT_ID}.schemas.0ef4ce0d390f0809fad490802f53d30b |
schemaVersion |
The unique version that corresponds with your schema. | application/vnd.adobe.xed-full-notext+json; version=1 |
schemaAltId |
The meta:altId that is returned alongside the schemaId when creating a new schema. |
_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.0ef4ce0d390f0809fad490802f53d30b |
dataSetId |
For detailed steps on how to create a target dataset, see the tutorial on creating a dataset using the API. | 5f3c3cedb2805c194ff0b69a |
mappings |
Mapping sets can be used to define how data in a source schema maps to that of a destination schema. For detailed steps on how to create a mapping, see the tutorial on creating a mapping set using the API. | [{"destinationXdmPath":"","sourceAttribute":"email.email_id","identity":false,"version":0},{"destinationXdmPath":"","sourceAttribute":"email.activity.action","identity":false,"version":0}] |
mappingId |
The unique ID that corresponds with your mapping set. | bf5286a9c1ad4266baca76ba3adc9366 |
connectionSpecId |
The connection specification ID that corresponds with your source. This is the ID that you generated after creating a new connection specification. | 2e8580db-6489-4726-96de-e33f5f60295f |
flowSpecificationId |
The flow specification ID of GenericStreamingAEP . This is a fixed value. |
e77fde5a-22a8-11ed-861d-0242ac120002 |
targetConnectionSpecId |
The target connection ID of the data lake where ingested data lands in. This is a fixed value. | c604ff05-7f1a-43c0-8e18-33bf874cb11c |
verifyWatTimeInSecond |
The designated time interval to follow when checking for the completion of a flow run. | 40 |
startTime |
The designated start time for your dataflow. The start time must be formatted in unix time. | 1597784298 |
Once you have provided all of your environment variables, you can start running the collection using the Postman interface. In the Postman interface, select the ellipses (…) beside Sources SSSs Verification Collection and then select Run collection.
The Runner interface appears, allowing you to configure the run order of your dataflow. Select Run SSS Verification Collection to run the collection.
You can disable Delete Flow from the run order checklist if you prefer to use the sources monitoring dashboard in Platform UI. However, once you are finished with testing, you must ensure that your test flows are deleted.
To test your source in the UI, go to the sources catalog of your organization’s sandbox in the Platform UI. From here, you should see your new source appear under the Streaming category.
With your new source now available in your sandbox, you must follow the sources workflow to test the functionalities. To begin, select Set up.
The Add data step appears. To test that your source can stream data, use the left side of the interface to upload a sample JSON data. Once your data is uploaded, the right side of the interface updates into a preview of the file hierarchy of your data. Select Next to proceed.
The Dataflow detail page allows you to select whether you want to use an existing dataset or a new dataset. During this process, you can also configure your data to be ingested to Profile, and enable settings like Error diagnostics and Partial ingestion.
For testing, select New dataset and provide an output dataset name. During this step, you can also provide an optional description to add further information to your dataset. Next, select a schema to map to using the Advanced search option or by scrolling through the list of existing schemas in the dropdown menu. Once you have selected a schema, provide a name and a description for your dataflow.
When finished, select Next.
The Mapping step appears, providing you with an interface to map the source fields from your source schema to their appropriate target XDM fields in the target schema.
Platform provides intelligent recommendations for auto-mapped fields based on the target schema or dataset that you selected. You can manually adjust mapping rules to suit your use cases. Based on your needs, you can choose to map fields directly, or use data prep functions to transform source data to derive computed or calculated values. For comprehensive steps on using the mapper interface and calculated fields, see the Data Prep UI guide
Once your source data is successfully mapped, select Next.
The Review step appears, allowing you to review your new dataflow before it is created. Details are grouped within the following categories:
Once you have reviewed your dataflow, select Finish and allow some time for the dataflow to be created.
Finally, you must retrieve your dataflow’s streaming endpoint. This endpoint will be used to subscribe to your webhook, allowing your streaming source to communicate with Experience Platform. To retrieve your streaming endpoint, go to the Dataflow activity page of the dataflow that you just created and copy the endpoint from the bottom of the Properties panel.
Once your source is able to complete the entire workflow you can proceed to contact your Adobe representative and submit your source for integration across other Experience Platform organizations.