This document provides answers to frequently asked questions about sources on Adobe Experience Platform. For questions and troubleshooting related to other Platform services, including those that are encountered across all Platform APIs, please refer to the Experience Platform troubleshooting guide.
The following is a list of answers to frequently asked questions about sources.
You may need to allowlist certain IP addresses in order to enable sources. For more information, please read the documentation on your specific source connector.
Sources can be authenticated by using connection strings, usernames and passwords, or access tokens and keys. Specific details about supported authentication types can be found in the documentation of the specified source connector.
If you are noticing that all your recent flow runs are failing, your credentials may have either changed or expired. To fix that problem, try updating your connection with the latest credentials.
Currently the supported file types are delimited files, JSON, and Parquet.
The following is a list of constraints you must account for files in sources.
). If provided, it will be automatically removed.! ' ( ) ; @ & = + $ , % # [ ]
" \ / : | < > * ?
, while valid in NTFS filenames, are not valid Unicode characters. In addition, some ASCII or Unicode characters, like control characters (0x00 to 0x1F, \u0081, etc.), are also not allowed. For rules governing Unicode strings in HTTP/1.1 see RFC 2616, Section 2.2: Basic Rules and RFC 3987.Supported data types include integers, strings, booleans, datetime objects, arrays, and objects.
Sources supports a wide variety of datetime formats while ingesting data. More information about supported datetime formats can be found in the dates section of the data format handling guide in the Data Prep documentation.
JSON and Parquet files natively support arrays. For flat structures, such as CSVs, arrays are not supported. However, strings with multiple values can be broken up into an array, using data prep functions such as explode and join. More information about these data prep functions can be found in the data prep functions guide
All batch ingestion sources support partial ingestion. However, streaming ingestion sources do not support partial ingestion.
Partial ingestion should be used if you do not have constraints, such as having the entire file being ingested into Platform. Alternatively, partial ingestion should be used if you do not mind ingesting data that may contain errors within it.
There is no “typical error threshold” for partial ingestion. Instead, this value can vary from use case to use case. By default, the error threshold is set to 5%.
Flow runs are not generated instantaneously and can take around two to three minutes to update after its designated startTime
. Checking the status of a flow run, immediately after the creation of a new dataflow does not return information on the flow run’s lastRunDetails
as it has not yet happened. It is recommended to allow the dataflow a few minutes to generate before checking the status of the flow run.