Create a OneTrust Integration source connection in the UI

Last update: 2023-04-20
  • Topics:
  • Sources
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  • Created for:
  • Developer

The OneTrust Integration source only supports ingestion of consent and preferences data and not cookies.

This tutorial provides steps for creating a OneTrust Integration source connection to ingest both historic and scheduled consent data into Adobe Experience Platform using the Platform user interface.



The OneTrust Integration source connector and documentation were created by the OneTrust Integration team. For any inquiries or update requests, please contact the OneTrust team directly.

Before you can connect OneTrust Integration to Platform, you must first retrieve your access token. For detailed instructions on finding your access token, see the OneTrust Integration OAuth 2 guide.

The access token does not refresh automatically after it expires because system-to-system refresh tokens are not supported by OneTrust. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that your access token is updated in the connection before it expires. The maximum configurable lifespan for an access token is one year. To learn more about updating your access token, see the OneTrust document on managing your OAuth 2.0 client credentials.

Gather required credentials

In order to connect OneTrust Integration to Platform, you must provide values for the following authentication credentials:

Credential Description Example
Host name The environment from which the OneTrust Integration data needs to be pulled from.
Authorization Test URL (Optional) The authorization test URL is used to validate credentials when creating a base connection. If unprovided, credentials are automatically checked during the source connection creation step instead.
Access Token The access token that corresponds with your OneTrust Integration account. ZGFkZDMyMjFhMmEyNDQ2ZGFhNTdkZjNkZjFmM2IyOWE6QjlUSERVUTNjOFVsRmpEZTJ6Vk9oRnF3Sk8xNlNtcm4=

For more information on these credentials, see the OneTrust Integration authentication documentation.

Connect your OneTrust Integration account


The OneTrust Integration API specifications are being shared with Adobe for data ingestion.

In the Platform UI, select Sources from the left navigation to access the Sources workspace for a catalog of sources available in Experience Platform.

Use the Categories menu to filter sources by category. Alternatively, enter a source name in the search bar to find a specific source from the catalog.

Go to the Consent & Preferences category for the OneTrust Integration source card. To begin, select Add data.

The Experience Platform UI sources catalog.

The Connect OneTrust Integration account page appears. On this page, you can either use new credentials or existing credentials.

Existing account

To use an existing account, select the OneTrust Integration account you want to create a new dataflow with, then select Next to proceed.

The existing account authentication step in the sources workflow.

New account

If you are creating a new account, select New account, and then provide a name, an optional description, and your credentials. When finished, select Connect to source and then allow some time for the new connection to establish.

The new account authentication step in the sources workflow.

Next steps

By following this tutorial, you have established a connection to your OneTrust Integration account. You can now continue on to the next tutorial and configure a dataflow to bring consent data into Platform.

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