The Snowflake source is available in the sources catalog to users who have purchased Real-Time Customer Data Platform Ultimate.
This tutorial provides steps for creating a Snowflake source connector using the Adobe Experience Platform user interface.
This tutorial requires a working understanding of the following components of Experience Platform:
You must provide values for the following credential properties to authenticate your Snowflake source.
Credential | Description |
Account | An account name uniquely identifies an account within your organization. In this case, you must uniquely identify an account across different Snowflake organizations. To do this, you must prepend your organization name to the account name. For example: orgname-account_name . Read the guide on retrieving your Snowflake account identifier for additional guidance. For more information, refer to the Snowflake documentation. |
Warehouse | The Snowflake warehouse manages the query execution process for the application. Each Snowflake warehouse is independent from one another and must be accessed individually when bringing data over to Platform. |
Database | The Snowflake database contains the data you want to bring the Platform. |
Username | The username for the Snowflake account. |
Password | The password for the Snowflake user account. |
Role | The default access control role to use in the Snowflake session. The role should be an existing one that has already been assigned to the specified user. The default role is PUBLIC . |
Connection string | The connection string used to connect to your Snowflake instance. The connection string pattern for Snowflake is jdbc:snowflake://{ACCOUNT_NAME}{USERNAME}&password={PASSWORD}&db={DATABASE}&warehouse={WAREHOUSE} |
To use key-pair authentication, you must generate a 2048-bit RSA key pair and then provide the following values when creating an account for your Snowflake source.
Credential | Description |
Account | An account name uniquely identifies an account within your organization. In this case, you must uniquely identify an account across different Snowflake organizations. To do this, you must prepend your organization name to the account name. For example: orgname-account_name . Read the guide on retrieving your Snowflake account identifier for additional guidance. For more information, refer to the Snowflake documentation. |
Username | The username of your Snowflake account. |
Private key | The Base64-encoded private key of your Snowflake account. You can generate either encrypted or unencrypted private keys. If you are using an encrypted private key, then you must also provide a private key passphrase when authenticating against Experience Platform. Read the guide on retrieving your Snowflake private key for more information. |
Private key passphrase | The private key passphrase is an additional layer of security that you must use when authenticating with an encrypted private key. You are not required to provide the passphrase if you are using an unencrypted private key. |
Database | The Snowflake database that contains the data you want to ingest to Experience Platform. |
Warehouse | The Snowflake warehouse manages the query execution process for the application. Each Snowflake warehouse is independent from one another and must be accessed individually when bringing data over to Platform. |
For more information about these values, refer to this Snowflake document.
flag to FALSE
to allow data unloading from your Snowflake database to Experience Platform.
In the Platform UI, select Sources from the left navigation to access the Sources workspace.
You can select the appropriate category from the catalog on the left-hand side of your screen. Alternatively, you can find the specific source you wish to work with using the search bar.
Under the Databases category, select Snowflake and then select Add data.
The Connect to Snowflake page appears. On this page, you can either use new credentials or existing credentials.
To use an existing account, select the Snowflake account you want to connect with and then select Next to proceed.
To create a new account, select New account, and then provide a name and an optional description for your new Snowflake account.
To use account key authentication, provide your connection string in the input form and then select Connect to source.
To use key-pair authentication, provide values for your account, username, private key, private key passphrase, database, and warehouse, then select Connect to source.
During the data selection step, you may encounter a timeout when ingesting large tables or files of data. You can skip data preview to circumvent the timeout and still view your schema, albeit without sample data. To skip data preview, enable the Skip previewing sample data toggle.
The rest of the workflow will remain the same. The only caveat is that skipping data preview may prevent calculated and required fields from being auto-validated during the mapping step, and you will then have to manually validate those fields during mapping.
By following this tutorial, you have established a connection to your Snowflake account. You can now continue on to the next tutorial and configure a dataflow to bring data into Platform.