Sharing private extension packages

Last update: 2024-07-23
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Users with the develop_extensions permission in the extension package owner organization are able to create, list, and delete extension package usage authorizations for that extension package. Users in an authorized organization who possess the manage_properties permission are only allowed to list the extension package usage authorizations for their organization and update their state to accepted if they want to use that extension package, or to rejected if they don’t want to use it.

Owners of extension packages can grant permission for other companies to utilize their private versions through the Reactor API. A usage license for one extension package is granted to each approved business, and this authorization is good for all current and future private versions of the package.

This guide provides a high-level overview of how to configure extension package usage authorizations. For more detailed guidance on how to manage authorizations in the Reactor API, including example JSON of a authorization’s structure, refer to the extension package usage authorization endpoint guide.

Create an authorization

To create a new authorization, you must have the develop_extensions right. The following example demonstrates how you can create an extension package usage authorization for an extension package using the authorized_org_id of the company you wish to authorize.

API format

POST /extension_packages/{EXTENSION_PACKAGE_ID}/extension_package_usage_authorizations
Parameter Description
EXTENSION_PACKAGE_ID The ID of the extension package that you want to create an authorization for.


The following request creates a new extension package authorization for the company specified.

curl -X POST \{EXTENSION_PACKAGE_ID}/extension_package_usage_authorizations \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  -d '{
        "data": {
          "attributes": {
            "authorized_org_id": "{ORG_ID}"
          "type": "extension_package_usage_authorizations"
Property Description
attributes.authorized_org_id The ID of the organization you want to authorize.

The initial state of the authorization is in the pending_approval stage. Before using the extension package, the company must approve the authorization. Users of the company are able to browse the private extension package while authorization is pending approval, but they are unable to install it and cannot find it in their extensions catalog.

Approve an authorization

To approve an authorization, you must have the manage_properties rights. As the authorized company, you will need to send a PATCH request to the extension package usage authorization, including the ID of the authorization and set the state set to approved.

API format

PATCH //extension_package_usage_authorizations/{EXTENSION_PACKAGE_USAGE_AUTHORIZATION_ID}
Parameter Description
EXTENSION_PACKAGE_USAGE_AUTHORIZATION_ID The ID of the authorization you want to approve.


The following PATCH request sets the state of an authorization to approved.

  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-Api-Key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  -d '{
        "data": {
          "attributes": {
	          "state": "approved"
	        "id": ":extension_package_usage_authorization_id",
	        "type": "extension_package_usage_authorizations"

Once the authorization is approved, as the authorized company, you can now install the extension package on your properties.


If the authorization is rejected, the authorized company will not be able to use the extension package.

Delete an authorization

As the owner of an extension package, you can revoke the authorization at any time by deleting the extension package usage authorization. This will prevent the authorized company from viewing private versions of the extension package in the catalog and installing it on their properties. However, already installed private versions will continue to work as expected after deletion.

API format

DELETE //extension_package_usage_authorizations/{EXTENSION_PACKAGE_USAGE_AUTHORIZATION_ID}
Parameter Description
EXTENSION_PACKAGE_USAGE_AUTHORIZATION_ID The ID of the authorization you want to delete.


The following DELETE request removes authorization privilages for a company.

  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-Api-Key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \

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