Secrets in the Reactor API

Last update: 2022-11-23
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In the Reactor API, a secret is a resource that represents an authentication credential. Secrets are used in event forwarding to authenticate to another system for secure data exchange. Therefore, secrets can only be created within event forwarding properties (properties whose platform attribute is set to edge).

There are currently three supported secret types denoted in the type_of attribute:

Secret type Description
token A single string of characters representing an authentication token value that is known and understood by both systems.
simple-http Contains two string attributes for a username and password, respectively.
oauth2-client_credentials Contains several attributes to support the OAuth authentication spec. Event forwarding asks you for the required information, then handles the renewal of these tokens for you on a specified interval.

This guide provides a high-level overview of how to configure secrets for use in event forwarding. For detailed guidance on how to manage secrets in the Reactor API, including example JSON of a secret’s structure, refer to the secrets endpoint guide.


Each secret contains a credentials attribute that holds its respective credential values. When creating a secret in the API, each type of secret has different required attributes as shown in the sections below:


Secrets with a type_of value of token only require a single attribute under credentials:

Credential attribute Data type Description
token String A secret token that is understood by the destination system.

The token is stored as a static value, and therefore the secret’s expires_at and refresh_at properties are set to null when the secret is created.


Secrets with a type_of value of simple-http require the following attributes under credentials:

Credential attribute Data type Description
username String A username.
password String A password. This value is not included in the API response.

When the secret is created, the two attributes are exchanged with a BASE64 encoding of username:password. After the exchange, the secret’s expires_at and refresh_at properties are set to null.


Secrets with a type_of value of oauth2-client_credentials require the following attributes under credentials:

Credential attribute Data type Description
client_id String The client ID for the OAuth integration.
client_secret String The client secret for the OAuth integration. This value is not included in the API response.
token_url String The authorization URL for the OAuth integration.
refresh_offset Integer (Optional) The value, in seconds, to offset the refresh operation by. If this attribute is omitted when creating the secret, the value is set to 14400 (four hours) by default.
options Object (Optional) Specifies additional options for the OAuth integration:

When an oauth2-client_credentials secret is created or updated, the client_id and client_secret (and possibly options) are exchanged in a POST request to the token_url, according to the Client Credentials flow of the OAuth protocol.


It is expected that the authorization service response body is compatible with the OAuth protocol.

If the authorization service responds with 200 OK and a JSON response body, the body is parsed and the access_token is pushed to the edge environment and expires_in is used to calculate the expires_at and refresh_at attributes for the secret. If there is no environment association on the secret, access_token is discarded.

A credentials exchange is considered successful under the following conditions:

  • expires_in is greater than 28800 (eight hours).
  • refresh_offset is less than the value of expires_in minus 14400 (four hours). For example, if expires_in is 36000 (ten hours), and the refresh_offset is 28800 (eight hours), the exchange is considered failed because 28800 is greater than 36000 - 14400 (21600).

If the exchange is successful, the secret’s status attribute is set to succeeded and values for expires_at and refresh_at are set:

  • expires_at is the current UTC time plus the value of expires_in.
  • refresh_at is the current UTC time plus the value of expires_in, minus the value of refresh_offset. For example, if expires_in is 43200 (twelve hours) and the refresh_offset is 14400 (four hours), the refresh_at property would be set to 28800 (eight hours) after the current UTC time.

If the exchange fails for any reason, the status_details attribute in the meta object updates with relevant information.

Refreshing an oauth2-client_credentials secret

If an oauth2-client_credentials secret has been assigned to an environment and its status is succeeded (the credentials were exchanged successfully), a new exchange is performed automatically on refresh_at.

If the exchange is successful, the refresh_status attribute in the meta object is set to succeeded while expires_at, refresh_at, and activated_at are updated accordingly.

If the exchange fails, the operation is attempted three more times with the last attempt no more than two hours before the access token expires. If all attempts fail, the refresh_status_details attribute from the meta object updates with relevant details.


Secrets with a type_of value of oauth2-google requires the following attribute under credentials:

Credential attribute Data type Description
scopes Array Lists the Google product scopes for authentication. The following scopes are supported:

After creating the oauth2-google secret, the response includes a meta.authorization_url property. You must copy and paste this URL into a browser to complete the Google authentication flow.

Reauthorize an oauth2-google secret

The authorization URL for an oauth2-google secret expires one hour after the secret is created (as indicated by meta.authorization_url_expires_at). After this time, the secret must be reauthorized in order to renew the authentication process.

Refer to the secrets endpoint guide for details on how reauthorize an oauth2-google secret by making a PATCH request to the Reactor API.

Environment relationship

When you create a secret, you must specify the environment in which it will exist. Secrets are immediately deployed to the environment in which they are created.

A secret can only be associated with one environment. Once the relationship between a secret and an environment is established, the secret cannot be cleared from the environment, and the secret cannot be associated with a different environment.


The only exception to this rule is if the environment in question is deleted. In this case, the relationship is cleared and the secret can be assigned to a different environment.

After a secret’s credentials have been successfully exchanged, for a secret to be associated with an environment, the exchange artifact (the token string for token, the Base64 encoded string for simple-http, or the access token for oauth2-client_credentials) is securely saved on the environment.

After the exchange artifact is successfully saved on the environment, the secret’s activated_at attribute is set to the current UTC time, and can now be referenced using a data element. See the next section for more information on referencing secrets.

Referencing secrets

In order to reference a secret, you must create a data element of type “Secret” (provided by the Core extension) on an event forwarding property. When configuring this data element, you are prompted to indicate which secret to use for each environment. You can then create rules that reference a secret data element, such as within the header for an HTTP call.

Secret data element


In order to add a secret data element to a library, you must have at least one succeeded secret associated with the environment on which the library is being built. For example, if a library has a secret data element that does not have a succeeded secret configured for the Staging Secret section, attempting to build that library in the staging environment will result in an error.

At runtime, the secret data element is replaced with the corresponding secret exchange artifact saved on the environment.

Next steps

This guide covered the fundamentals of working with secrets in the Reactor API. For details on how to manage secrets using API calls, see the secrets endpoint guide.

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