Adobe Experience Platform Launch has been rebranded as a suite of data collection technologies in Adobe Experience Platform. Several terminology changes have rolled out across the product documentation as a result. Please refer to the following document for a consolidated reference of the terminology changes.
Legal privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) require companies to be able to manage consent for their users. Adobe customers may require visitors to opt-in before Adobe solutions execute for any given visitor. Visitors should have the ability to manage their opt-in and opt-out status.
Adobe Experience Cloud customers require a variety of implementations of these requirements. Some use enterprise-level consent managers and others build their own.
Adobe Experience Platform extension developers use extensions and the rule builder to define opt-in and opt-out solutions.
This document contains information about how to prevent Adobe tags from firing until consent is acquired.
Adobe Experience Platform does not fire Advertising Cloud automatically. Advertising Cloud only fires if you specifically tell it to in a rule action. Use the rule conditions to determine when and what to fire. For example, to use cookies to determine opt-in status, set a data element to read that cookie and use it as a condition in the rule to determine when to fire the Track Conversion action.
Integrations with consent managers (such as OneTrust) can set and track the consent cookies for customers, which can then be used in the rule builder.
In the Link Tracking section of the Analytics extension’s configuration settings, make sure the following are not selected:
When these settings are not selected, Platform does not fire Adobe Analytics automatically. Analytics fires only if you specifically tell it to in a rule action. Use the rule conditions to determine when and what to fire. For example, to use cookies to determine opt-in status, set a data element to read that cookie and use it as a condition in the rule to determine when to fire the Send Beacon action.
Separately, you could consider using the Adobe opt-in object to control the firing of this tag in concert with your consent management platform.
Integrations with consent managers (such as OneTrust) can set and track the consent cookies for customers, which can then be used in the rule builder.
DIL is currently set to fire automatically if it is placed on a customer page. Please consider using the Adobe opt-in object to control the firing of this tag in concert with your consent management platform.
Adobe recommends that you use server-side forwarding within Analytics.
Experience Cloud ID currently fires automatically if it is placed on a customer page.
Please consider using the Adobe opt-in object to control the firing of this tag in concert with your consent management platform.
Adobe Experience Platform does not fire Target automatically. Target fires only if you specifically tell it to in a rule action. Use the rule conditions to determine when and what to fire. For example, to use cookies to determine opt-in status, set a data element to read that cookie and use it as a condition in the rule to determine when to fire the Load Target action.
Separately, you could consider using the Adobe opt-in object to control the firing of this tag in concert with your consent management platform.
Integrations with consent managers (such as OneTrust) can set and track the consent cookies for customers, which can then be used in the rule builder.