Core library modules for web extensions

Last update: 2021-09-03
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Adobe Experience Platform Launch has been rebranded as a suite of data collection technologies in Adobe Experience Platform. Several terminology changes have rolled out across the product documentation as a result. Please refer to the following document for a consolidated reference of the terminology changes.

This document provides a list of core library modules that you may use within your web extensions. You may access these modules using require('@adobe/{MODULE}'), where {MODULE} is the name of the core module want to use.


reactor-object-assign mimics the native Object.assign method by copying properties from source objects to a target object.

var objectAssign = require('@adobe/reactor-object-assign');
var all = objectAssign({ a: 'a' }, { b: 'b' });

The reactor-cookie object is a utility for reading and writing cookies. See the js-cookie npm package for more information.

var cookie = require('@adobe/reactor-cookie');
cookie.set('foo', 'bar');


reactor-document represents the Document object. This can be beneficial when testing the module by allowing tests to inject a mock document object using utilities like inject-loader.

var document = require('@adobe/reactor-document');


reactor-query-string is a utility for parsing and serializing query strings.

var queryString = require('@adobe/reactor-query-string');
var parsed = queryString.parse(;
var obj = {
  campaign: 'Campaign A'
var stringified = queryString.stringify(obj);

The utility has the following methods:

  • queryString.parse({STRING}): Parses a query string into an object. Leading ?, #, and & characters on the query string are ignored.
  • queryString.stringify({OBJECT}): Stringifies an object into a query string.


reactor-load-script is a function that loads a script when given a URL. A script tag will be created and placed within the head node of the document. A promise will be returned which you may use to determine when loading of the script succeeds or fails.

var loadScript = require('@adobe/reactor-load-script');
var url = '';
loadScript(url).then(function() {
  // Do something ...


reactor-promise is a constructor that mimics the Promise API native in ECMAScript 6. If the native Promise API is available, it will be returned instead.

var Promise = require('@adobe/reactor-promise');
new Promise(function(resolve) {
}, function(err) {


reactor-window represents the Window object. This can be beneficial when testing the module by allowing tests to inject a mock Window object using utilities like inject-loader.

var window = require('@adobe/reactor-window');

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