Library modules in web extensions

Last update: 2022-09-22
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Adobe Experience Platform Launch has been rebranded as a suite of data collection technologies in Adobe Experience Platform. Several terminology changes have rolled out across the product documentation as a result. Please refer to the following document for a consolidated reference of the terminology changes.


This document covers the library module format for web extensions. If you are developing an edge extension, see the guide on formatting edge extension modules instead.

A library module is a piece of reusable code provided by an extension that is emitted inside the tag runtime library in Adobe Experience Platform. This library then runs on the client’s website. For example, a gesture event type will have a library module that will run on the client’s website and detects user gestures.

The library module is structured as a CommonJS module. Within a CommonJS module, the following variables are available for usage:


A require function is available for you to access:

  1. Core modules provided by tags. These modules may be accessed by using require('@adobe/reactor-name-of-module'). See the document on available core modules for more information.
  2. Other modules within your extension. Any module in your extension can be accessed via a relative path. The relative path must begin with ./ or ../.

Example usage:

var cookie = require('@adobe/reactor-cookie');
cookie.set('foo', 'bar');


A free variable named module is available which allows you to export the module’s API.

Example usage:

module.exports = function(…) { … }


A free variable named exports is available which allows you to export the module’s API.

Example usage:

exports.sayHello = function(…) { … }

This is an alternative to module.exports but is more limited in its usage. Please read Understanding module.exports and exports in node.js for a better understanding of the differences between module.exports and exports and the related caveats with using exports. When in doubt, make your life easier and use module.exports rather than exports.

Execution and caching

When the tag runtime library runs, modules will be immediately “installed” and their exports cached. Assuming the following module:

console.log('runs on startup');

module.exports = function(settings) {
  console.log('runs when necessary');

runs on startup will be logged immediately whereas runs when necessary will only be logged once the exported function is called by the tag engine. While it may be unnecessary for the purpose of your particular module, you may take advantage of this by performing any setup necessary before exporting the function.

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