Adobe Experience Platform Launch has been rebranded as a suite of data collection technologies in Adobe Experience Platform. Several terminology changes have rolled out across the product documentation as a result. Please refer to the following document for a consolidated reference of the terminology changes.
Each tag property in Adobe Experience Platform needs the following extensions installed and configured in the Extension screen:
Use the “In-Page embed code (Advanced)” code snippet in the HTML of each Web page where a video player is to render. The “In-Page Embed code (Advanced)” HTML snippet can be found in the Brightcove documentation. The following link provides more information on how to generate embedded code for both preview and published video players.
This extension version 1.1.0 supports embedding multiple BrightCove videos on a single Web page. If there are multiple id
properties within the advanced embed tags, ensure that they each have unique values. For example, player1
, player2
, and so on.
On pages with multiple videos, each video uses the same configuration set in the tag rule executing on that page. For example, if you create a rule with an event that triggers on a video that is 50% complete, each video on the page triggers the rule at the 50% cue point.
If the webpage that uses this extension interacting with the video before the relevant script has completely loaded, there are two actions you can take to remedy the issue. Firstly the tag library can be loaded synchronously, and secondly, place the <script type="text/javascript">\_satellite.pageBottom();\</script\>
element before the video embed on the page.
See the BrightCove API documentation for more information on the components methods and events used in this extension.
There are seven data elements available within the extension, none of which require configuration.
There are seven events available within the extension, only Custom Cue Point Tracking requires configuration.
Please note that this event triggers every time this cue point is reached. For example, if the user reaches the 50% mark, seeks the video before the 50% mark then reaches the 50% mark again, the trigger will fire again.
One tag rule can be set for every video event (the seven events listed above). Create a specific tag rule for each event you want to track. If you do not want to track an event, simply omit to create a rule for it.
The rules have three actions:
The following video extension objects are to be included:
In an Analytics “Set Variables” action, set:
The Analytics “Send Beacon” action (
The Analytics “Clear Variables” action
For those who might not want to provision multiple eVars or props for each video element, data element values are concatenated as an alternative method. Next they are parsed into classification reports using the Classification Rule Builder Tool. See the Classification Rule Builder Tool documentation for more information. Finally, they are applied as a segment in Analysis Workspace.
To do this, create a new data element called something like “Video MetaData” and program it to pull in all the video data elements (listed above) and concatenate them together.
var r = [];
r.push( \_satellite.getVar( 'Video ID' ) );
r.push( \_satellite.getVar( 'Video Name' ) );
r.push( \_satellite.getVar( 'Video Duraction' ) );
return r.join('|');