Marketo Munchkin extension overview

Last update: 2022-11-23
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Adobe Experience Platform Launch has been rebranded as a suite of data collection technologies in Adobe Experience Platform. Several terminology changes have rolled out across the product documentation as a result. Please refer to the following document for a consolidated reference of the terminology changes.

Use this extension to integrate the Marketo Munchkin JavaScript tracking code with your property. Marketo Munchkin JavaScript allows for tracking of end-user page visits and navigates to your Marketo landing pages and external web pages.

Install Marketo Munchkin extension

If Marketo Munchkin extension is not yet installed, open your property, then select Extensions > Catalog, hover over the Marketo Munchkin extension, and select Install.

This extension has no necessary configuration.

Marketo Munchkin extension action types

This section describes the action types available int he Marketo Munchkin extension.


Munchkin ID: (required) Munchkin Account ID found under Admin > Integration > Munchkin menu.

Configurations: All configurable parameters are documented here

Visit web page

url: (required) The URL file path used to record a page visit.

params: A query string of the desired parameters to be recorded.

name: The custom name of the web page asset.

href: (required) The URL file path used to record a link select.

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