Adobe Experience Platform Launch has been rebranded as a suite of data collection technologies in Adobe Experience Platform. Several terminology changes have rolled out across the product documentation as a result. Please refer to the following document for a consolidated reference of the terminology changes.
Use this extension to integrate the Marketo Munchkin JavaScript tracking code with your property. Marketo Munchkin JavaScript allows for tracking of end-user page visits and navigates to your Marketo landing pages and external web pages.
If Marketo Munchkin extension is not yet installed, open your property, then select Extensions > Catalog, hover over the Marketo Munchkin extension, and select Install.
This extension has no necessary configuration.
This section describes the action types available int he Marketo Munchkin extension.
Munchkin ID: (required) Munchkin Account ID found under Admin > Integration > Munchkin menu.
Configurations: All configurable parameters are documented here
url: (required) The URL file path used to record a page visit.
params: A query string of the desired parameters to be recorded.
name: The custom name of the web page asset.
href: (required) The URL file path used to record a link select.