Data element types

Last update: 2024-10-03
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After you set your action types in the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK tag extension, you must configure your data element types. This page describes the available data element types.

Identity map

An identity map allows you to establish identities for the visitor of your web page. An identity map consists of namespaces, like CRMID, Phone or Email, with each namespace containing one or more identifiers. For example, if the individual on your website has provided two phone numbers, your phone namespace should contain two identifiers.

In the Identity map data element, you will provide the following pieces of information for each identifier:

  • ID: The value identifying the visitor. For example, if the identifier belongs to the phone namespace, the ID may be 555-555-5555. This value typically is derived from a JavaScript variable or some other piece of data on your page, so it’s best to create a data element that references the page data, then reference the data element in the ID field within the Identity map data element. If, when running on your page, the ID value is anything but a populated string, the identifier will be automatically removed from the identity map.
  • Authenticated state: A selection indicating whether the visitor is authenticated.
  • Primary: A selection indicating whether the identifier should be used as the primary identifier for the individual. If no identifier is marked as primary, the ECID will be used as the primary identifier.

UI image showing the Edit Data Element screen.


Adobe recommends sending identities which represent a person, such as Luma CRM Id as the primary identity.

If the identity map contains the person identifier (e.g. Luma CRM Id), then the person identifier will become the primary identifier. Otherwise, ECID becomes the primary identity.

You should not provide an ECID when building an identity map. When using the SDK, an ECID is automatically generated on the server and included in the identity map.

The identity map data element is often used in tandem with the XDM object data element type and the Set consent action type.

Read more about Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service.

XDM object

Formatting your data to XDM is easier with the XDM object data element. When you first open this data element, select the correct Adobe Experience Platform sandbox and schema. After you have selected your schema, you see the structure of your schema, which you can easily fill out.

UI image showing the XDM object structure.

Notice that when you open certain fields of your schema, such as web.webPageDetails.URL, some items are automatically collected. Even though several items are automatically collected, you can overwrite any, if needed. All the values can be filled in manually or using other data elements.


Only fill in the pieces of information you are interested in collecting. Anything that is not filled in is omitted when the data is sent to the solutions.


You can create payload objects using the Variable data element. Both XDM and Data objects are supported.

  • When you select XDM, select the desired Sandbox and Schema.
  • When you select Data, select the desired solutions. Available solutions include Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target.

Image of Tags UI showing the data element options.

After you create this data element, you can use the Update variable action to modify it. When ready, you can include this data element in the Send event action to send data to a datastream.

Media: Quality of Experience

A Quality of Experience data element is helpful when sending streaming media events to Adobe Experience Platform. You can add this element when creating a media session and the following media events will contain updated Quality of Experience data.

UI image showing the Create Quality of Experience Data Element screen.

Next steps

Learn about specific use cases such as accessing the ECID.

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