Mixpanel Track Events API event forwarding extension

Last update: 2023-09-19
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Mixpanel is a product analytics tool that allows you to capture data on how users interact with a digital product. You can analyze product data with simple, interactive reports that let you query and visualize the data with just a few clicks. Mixpanel designed to make teams more efficient by allowing everyone to analyze user data in real time to identify trends, understand user behavior, and make decisions about your product.

Mixpanel employs an event-based, user-centric model that connects each interaction to a single user. The Mixpanel data model is built on the concepts of users, events, and properties.


Refer to the Mixpanel documentation on identity management to understand how Mixpanel merges events to create identity clusters. It is also recommended that you review the document on distinct IDs to understand how they are used to identify users in event data.

Use cases

This extension should be used if you want to use data from the Edge Network in Mixpanel to take advantage of its product analytics capabilities.

For example, consider a retail organization that has a multichannel presence (website and mobile). The organization captures transactional or conversational input as event data from their platforms and loads it into Mixpanel using the event forwarding extension.

The analytics teams can then leverage Mixpanel’s capabilities to process the datasets and derive business insights, which can be used to generate graphs, dashboards, or other visualizations to inform business stakeholders.

For more information on use cases specific to Mixpanel, refer to the following documentation:

Mixpanel prerequisites

You must have a valid Mixpanel account in order to use this extension. Go to the Mixpanel registration page to register and create an account if you do not have one already.

Ensure that the Identity Merge setting is enabled for your project. Navigate to Settings > Project Setting > Identity Merge and toggle the setting.

Understanding identity clusters in Mixpanel

In Mixpanel, an identity cluster contains a collection of distinct_id values that connect to an individual user. Mixpanel handles the cluster of identities for each user, resolving a single canonical distinct_id from each cluster to be used in reporting. You can also include your own identifier (called a local distinct_id) for anonymous events that occur before a user identification event.

Mixpanel resolves identity clusters through two methods:

  • Identify : Mixpanel connects your chosen identifier to an anonymous distinct_id. If your website has the Mixpanel SDK enabled, Platform will use the distinct_id assigned to the user who is currently logged in.
  • Alias: Mixpanel combines two non-anonymous distinct ids together if additional merge criteria are met.

Refer to the Mixpanel document on identity management for more details on these methods.

Confirm that you have enabled the Mixpanel identity merge feature to ensure that identity clusters are resolved appropriately.

Gather required configuration details

In order to connect Experience Platform to Mixpanel you must have the following inputs:

Key Type Description Example
Project Token The project token associated with your Mixpanel account. Refer to the Mixpanel documentation on finding your project token for guidance. 25470xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1289

Install and configure the Mixpanel extension

To install the extension, create an event forwarding property or choose an existing property to edit instead.

Select Extensions in the left navigation. In the Catalog tab, select Install on the card for the Mixpanel extension.

Installing the Mixpanel extension.

Create a Send Event rule

Start creating a new rule in your event forwarding property. Under Actions, add a new action and set the extension to Mixpanel. Next, set the action type to Track Event to send Edge Network events to Mixpanel.

Input Description Required
Project Token This field should be mapped to the project token associated with your Mixpanel account. Yes
Event Type The event name. Yes
Event Time The event time.
Mixpanel Distinct ID The unique identifier of the user who performed the event.
Insert ID A unique identifier for the event, used for deduplication.
Event Properties A JSON object containing custom properties of the event. Select from providing raw JSON or using a simplified set of key-value inputs.

For more information on the standard fields for a Mixpanel event, refer to the official documentation.

Add an event forwarding rule action configuration.

Once the Track Event action is added to the rule, you can configure the rule’s conditions so it only fires for certain events, or you can leave the conditions section empty to make the rule fire for all events.


If your website is using the Mixpanel SDK, you can continue to the next step of validating your data within Mixpanel. If you are not using the Mixpanel SDK, you must create a separate identity tracking rule to ensure that appropriate events and distinct_id values are sent to Mixpanel when a user identification event occurs.

Validate data within Mixpanel

If your implementation is successful and events are collected, you will see events within the Mixpanel console.

Check if Mixpanel has merged the post login events populated with email values and the events created when using Send Event. If implemented correctly, Mixpanel will associate them with a single user profile.

Next steps

This guide covered how to send conversion events to Mixpanel using event forwarding. This event forwarding extension leverages the Mixpanel SDK and JavaScript API. For more information on these underlying technologies, refer to the official documentation:

For more information on event forwarding capabilities in Experience Platform, refer to the event forwarding overview.

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