Ending support for tags in Internet Explorer 10 and 11

Last update: 2022-07-15
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As the online digital experience landscape continues to evolve, Adobe is no longer investing resources to support Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) and Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) for tags in Adobe Experience Platform. While Adobe is not actively removing support for IE10 and IE11, the impact of these browsers on new features will no longer be considered in future updates.

Why are IE10 and IE11 no longer supported?

There are four reasons why tags will no longer support IE10 and IE11:

  • Microsoft is ceasing support of IE10 and IE11: As of January 2020, Microsoft stopped supporting IE10 for security and non-security updates. As of June 2022, Microsoft stopped supporting IE11 on certain versions of Windows.
  • Broader industry is ceasing support of IE10 and IE11: As the broader industry drops support for IE10 and IE11, the capability for tags to maintain backward compatibility with those technologies becomes increasingly hindered.
  • Modern technologies do not support IE10 and IE11: For tags to continue to support the most modern technologies, it must end support for IE10 and IE11 because these modern technologies are not compatible with these web browsers.
  • Supporting IE10 and IE11 slows overall feature development: Many new features released for tags require careful consideration of IE10 and IE11. This consideration results in hours of additional work to acquire hard-to-find testing tools that work with IE10 and IE11, add additional code to make features work with IE10 and IE11 that do not have native support, and research to make sure the feature works as expected. By stopping support for IE10 and IE11, Adobe can deliver new features faster.

Effects of IE10 and IE11 deprecation

After support is deprecated, the following effects will take place:

  • New features may not support IE10 and IE11.
  • Testing for current and new feature support using IE10 and IE11 will cease.
  • Features that once supported IE10 and IE11 may no longer support these browsers.

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