
Last update: 2024-07-22
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  • Web SDK
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The defaultConsent property determines how you handle data collection consent before you call the setConsent command. This property is valuable when you don’t want to accidentally collect data from individuals who reside in areas where consent is required before collecting data.

By default, users are opted in to all purposes, and the Web SDK is allowed to perform the following tasks:

  • Send data to and from Adobe’s servers.
  • Read and write cookies or web storage items.

If users opt out of all purposes, the Web SDK does not perform any of these tasks.

The defaultConsent property supports three values:

  • in: Data collection proceeds as normal, until the user opts out.
  • out: Data is permanently discarded until the user opts in.
  • pending: Data is stored locally until the user opts in using the setConsent command. When the default consent for the general purpose is set to pending, attempting to execute any commands that depend on user opt-in preferences (for example, the sendEvent command) results in the command being queued in the Web SDK. Queued commands are not processed until you have communicated the user’s opt-in preferences to the Web SDK.

Consent data does not persist between page loads.

If you have a visitor that is not within the jurisdiction of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the default consent could be set to in. Visitors inside the jurisdiction of GDPR could have their default consent set to pending. Your Consent Management Platform (CMP) can detect the customer’s region and provide the flag gdprApplies to IAB TCF 2.0. This flag can be used to set the default consent.

If you do not want to collect events that occurred before the user’s opt-in preferences are set, you can pass "defaultConsent": "out" during Web SDK configuration. Attempting to execute any commands that depend on user opt-in preferences will have no effect until you have communicated the user’s opt-in preferences to the Web SDK.


Currently, Web SDK supports only a single all-or-nothing purpose. Although we plan to build out a more robust set of purposes or categories that will correspond to the different Adobe capabilities and product offerings, the current implementation is an all-or-nothing approach to opt-in. This only applies to Web SDK and NOT other Adobe JavaScript libraries.

The Web SDK offers two complementary consent configuration commands:

  • defaultConsent: This command is meant to capture the consent preferences of Adobe customers using Web SDK.
  • setConsent: This command is meant to capture the consent preferences of your site visitors.

When used together, these settings can lead to different data collection and cookie setting results, depending on their configured values.

See the table below to understand when data collection occurs and when cookies are set, based on consent settings.

defaultConsent setConsent Data collection occurs Web SDK sets browser cookies
in in Yes Yes
in out No Yes
in Not set Yes Yes
pending in Yes Yes
pending out No Yes
pending Not set No No
out in Yes Yes
out out No Yes
out Not set No No

The following cookies are set when the consent configuration allows:

Name Max age Description
AMCV_###@AdobeOrg 34128000 (395 days) Present when idMigrationEnabled is enabled. It helps when transitioning to Web SDK while some parts of the site are still using visitor.js.
Demdex cookie 15552000 (180 days) Present if ID synchronization is enabled. Audience Manager sets this cookie to assign a unique ID to a site visitor. The demdex cookie helps Audience Manger perform basic functions, such as visitor identification, ID synchronization, segmentation, modeling, reporting, and so on.
kndctr_orgid_cluster 1800 (30 minutes) Stores the Edge Network region that serves the current user’s requests. The region is used in the URL path so that the Edge Network can route the request to the correct region. If a user connects with a different IP address or in a different session, the request is again routed to the closest region.
kndct_orgid_identity 34128000 (395 days) Stores the ECID, as well as other information related to the ECID.
kndctr_orgid_consent 15552000 (180 days) Stores the users consent preference for the website.
s_ecid 63115200 (2 years) Contains a copy of the Experience Cloud ID (ECID) or MID. The MID is stored in a key-value pair that follows this syntax, s_ecid=MCMID|<ECID>.

Select the desired radio button under Default consent when configuring the tag extension.

  1. Log in to using your Adobe ID credentials.
  2. Navigate to Data Collection > Tags.
  3. Select the desired tag property.
  4. Navigate to Extensions, then click Configure on the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK card.
  5. Scroll down to the Privacy section, then select the desired Default consent.
  6. Click Save, then publish your changes.

Set the defaultConsent string property to the desired consent level when running the configure command. This property is case-sensitive, and supports only the following three values: "in", "out", and "pending". If you attempt to use any other value, the library throws an error.

alloy("configure", {
  datastreamId: "ebebf826-a01f-4458-8cec-ef61de241c93",
  defaultConsent: "pending"

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