Integrate IAB TCF 2.0 support with the Platform Web SDK

Last update: 2024-06-17
  • Topics:
  • Web SDK
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  • Created for:
  • Developer

This guide shows how to integrate the Interactive Advertising Bureau Transparency & Consent Framework, version 2.0 (IAB TCF 2.0) with Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK without using tags. For an overview of integrating with IAB TCF 2.0, read the overview. For a guide on how to integrate with tags, read the IAB TCF 2.0 guide for tags.

Getting started

This guide uses the __tcfapi interface for accessing the consent information. It might be easier for you to integrate directly with your cloud management provider (CMP). However, the information in this guide might still be useful because the CMPs generally provide similar functionality to the TCF API.


These examples assume that by the time the code is run, window.__tcfapi is defined on the page. CMPs can provide a hook where you could run these functions when the __tcfapi object is ready.

To use IAB TCF 2.0 with tags and the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK extension, you need to have an XDM schema available. If you have not set either of these up, start by viewing this page before proceeding.

Additionally, this guide requires you to have a working understanding of Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK. For a quick refresher, please read the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK overview and the Frequently asked questions documentation.

If you want to treat all unknown users the same, you can set defaultConsent to pending or out. This queues or discards Experience Events until consent preferences are received.

Some CMPs provide the ability to determine whether General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to the customer. If you want to assume consent for customers where GDPR does not apply, you can use the gdprApplies flag in the TCF API call.

The following example shows one way to do this:

var alloyConfiguration = { ... };
window.__tcfapi('getTCData', 2, function (tcData, success) {
  if (success) {
    alloyConfiguration.defaultConsent = tcData.gdprApplies ? "pending" : "in";
    window.alloy("configure", alloyConfiguration);

In this example, the configure command is called after the tcData is obtained from the TCF API. If gdprApplies is true, default consent is set to pending. If gdprApplies is false, default consent is set to in. Be sure to fill in the alloyConfiguration variable with your configuration.


When default consent is set to in, the setConsent command can still be used to record your customers consent preferences.

Using the setConsent event

IAB TCF 2.0 API provides an event for when the consent is updated by the customer. This occurs when the customer initially sets their preferences and when the customer updates their preferences.

The following example shows one way to do this:

const identityMap = { ... };
window.__tcfapi('addEventListener', 2, function (tcData, success) {
  if (success && tcData.eventStatus === 'useractioncomplete') {
    window.alloy("setConsent", {
      consent: [
          standard: "IAB TCF",
          version: "2.0",
          value: tcData.tcString,
          gdprApplies: tcData.gdprApplies

This code block listens for the useractioncomplete event and then sets the consent, passing the consent string and the gdprApplies flag. If you have custom identities for your customers, be sure to fill in the identityMap variable. Refer to the guide on setConsent for more information.

Within XDM schemas, you can store consent preference information from Experience Events. There are two ways to add this information to every event.

First, you can provide the relevant XDM schema on every sendEvent call. The following example shows one way to do this:

var sendEventOptions = { ... };
window.__tcfapi('getTCData', 2, function (tcData, success) {
  if (success) {
    sendEventOptions.xdm.consentStrings = [{
      consentStandard: "IAB TCF"
      consentStandardVersion: "2.0"
      consentStringValue: tcData.tcString,
      gdprApplies: tcData.gdprApplies
    window.alloy("sendEvent", sendEventOptions);

This example gets the consent information for the TCF API, and then sends an event with the consent information added to the XDM schema.

The other way to add the consent information to every request is with the onBeforeEventSend callback.

Next steps

Now that you have learned how to use IAB TCF 2.0 with the Platform Web SDK extension, you can also choose to integrate with other Adobe solutions such as Adobe Analytics or Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform. See the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework 2.0 overview for more information.

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