Collect commerce, product, and order information

Last update: 2024-01-09
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  • Web SDK
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If your organization sells products or services, you can use this page as a guide on how to track those products and services.

This page uses the XDM Commerce Schema field group.

This field group consists of two main parts:

  • The commerce object. This object lets you indicate which actions happen to the productListItems array.
  • The productListItems array.

If you are familiar with Adobe Analytics, the commerce object contains data similar to commerce events in the events variable. The productListItems object array contains data similar to the products variable.

The commerce object

This section describes the fields available in the commerce object.


A measure has two fields: id and value. Most of the time, you only use the value field (for example, 'value':1). The id field allows you to set a unique identifier for tracking when the measure was sent. See the XDM documentation for Measure for more information.

Measure Recommendation Description
cartAbandons Optional A cart is no longer accessible or purchasable by the user.
checkouts Highly recommended A user is no longer browsing for products but is in the process of purchasing a product.
productListAdds Highly recommended A product is added to a list. Be sure to set the product in the productListItems at the same time.
productListOpens Optional A new product list is created. For example, a new shopping cart is created.
productListRemovals Highly recommended A product is removed from a product list.
productListReopens Optional A product list is reactivated by the user. This action often happens in remarketing campaigns.
productListViews Highly recommended A list of products is viewed.
productViews Highly recommended A view of a product happened. Be sure to set the product viewed in the productListItems.
purchases Highly recommended An order is accepted. Must have a product list.
saveForLaters Optional A product is saved for future use.

Commerce object examples

Expand the section below to see an example of a Web SDK command using a field from the commerce object.


A basic Web SDK sendEvent call setting the productViews field to 1:

alloy("sendEvent", {

The order object

The commerce object contains a dedicated object for collecting order details. This is called the order object.

This section describes all the fields supported by the order object.

Field Option Recommendation Description
currencyCode The ISO 4217 currency for the order total.
payments[] The list of payments on an order. A paymentItem includes the following.
currencyCode Optional The ISO 4217 currency for this payment method.
paymentAmount Highly recommended The value of the payment in the currency code specified.
paymentType Highly recommended The type of payment (for example, credit_card, gift_card, paypal). See the list of known values for details.
transactionID Optional A unique ID for this payment transaction.
priceTotal Highly recommended The total for this order after all discounts and taxes have been applied.
purchaseID Highly recommended The unique identifier assigned by the seller for this purchase.
purchaseOrderNumber Optional A unique identifier assigned by the purchaser for this purchase.

Order object examples

Expand the section below to see an example of a Web SDK command using the commerce object.

 Order object example

A Web SDK sendEvent call setting the order object that applies to multiple products in the productListItems array:

        "name":"The Big Floppy Hat",
        "name":"The Small Floppy Hat",

The product list object

The product list indicates which products are related to the corresponding action. It is a list of productListItems. Each product has several optional fields.

Field Recommendation Description
currencyCode Optional The ISO 4217 currency for the product. This field typically only applies when you have multiple products in the product list with different currency codes.
priceTotal Highly recommended Only set this field when applicable. For example, it might not be possible to set on productView event because different variations of the product can have different prices but on a productListAdds event.
product Highly recommended The XDM ID for the product.
productAddMethod Highly recommended The method that was used to add a product item to the list by the visitor. Set with productListAdds measures and only used when a product is added to the list. Examples include add to cart button, quick add, and upsell.
productName Highly recommended The display name or the human-readable name of the product.
quantity Highly recommended The number of units the customer has indicated they require of the product. Should be set on productListAdds, productListRemoves, purchases, saveForLaters, and so on.
SKU Highly recommended Store Keeping Unit. It is the unique identifier for the product.

Product list examples

Expand the sections below to see examples of Web SDK commands using the productListItems object.

 productListItems example

A Web SDK sendEvent call setting the productViews for multiple products in the productListItems array:

        "name":"The Big Floppy Hat",
        "name":"The Small Floppy Hat",
 productListAdds examplae

A Web SDK sendEvent call setting the productListAdds event for multiple products in the productListItems array:

        "name":"The Big Floppy Hat",
        "productAddMethod":"Add to Cart Button"
        "name":"The Small Floppy Hat",
 checkouts example

A Web SDK sendEvent call setting the checkouts event for multiple products in the productListItems array:

        "name":"The Big Floppy Hat",
        "name":"The Small Floppy Hat",

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