Use multiple Web SDK instances

Last update: 2024-07-22
  • Topics:
  • Web SDK
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  • Created for:
  • Developer

There are certain cases where you might want to interact with two different properties on the same page. These cases include:

  • Companies that have been acquired and are working on integrating their websites together
  • Data-sharing relationships between multiple companies
  • Customers who are testing new Adobe Solutions and don’t want to disrupt their existing implementation

The SDK allows you to create a separate instance for each property by adding another name to the array in the base code. The following example provides two names, titanium and copper.

  []).push(o),n[o]=function(){var u=arguments;return new Promise(
  (window,["titanium", "copper"]);
<script src="alloy.js" async></script>

As a result, the script creates two instances of the SDK. The global function for interacting with the first instance is named titanium and the global function for interacting with the second instance is named copper.

By creating two separate instances, each can be configured for a different property. Any communication or data persistence that occurs due to interacting with titanium is kept isolated from copper.

Following the above example, you can execute commands using each instance:

titanium("configure", {
  datastreamId: "ebebf826-a01f-4458-8cec-ef61de241c93",

titanium("sendEvent", {
  data: {
    key: "value"

copper("configure", {
  datastreamId: "f46e981f-fd03-4bdd-a9d9-73ce4447f870",

copper("sendEvent", {
  data: {
    key: "value"

Be sure to execute the configure command for each instance before executing other commands on the same instance.


To avoid conflicts with cookies, each Web SDK instance must have its own unique datastreamId and its own unique orgId.

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