XDM Business Campaign class

Last update: 2023-12-15
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This class is intended to be used by organizations with access to Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform B2B Edition. You must have access to Real-Time CDP B2B Edition in order for this class to participate in Real-Time Customer Profile.

XDM Business Campaign is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) class that captures the minimum required properties of a business campaign.

The structure of the XDM Business Campaign class as it appears in the UI

Property Data type Description
campaignKey B2B Source A composite identifier for the campaign entity.
extSourceSystemAudit External Source System Audit Attributes If the campaign comes from an external source system, this object captures audit attributes for that system.
_id String A unique identifier for the record. This is a system-generated value that is separate from the campaignID.
campaignDescription String A description for the campaign.
campaignID String A unique identifier for the campaign entity.
campaignName String The name of the campaign.
campaignType String The campaign type or target audience.

To learn how this class conceptually relates to the other B2B classes and how you can establish these relationships in the Adobe Experience Platform UI, see the guide on schema relationships in Real-Time CDP B2B Edition

For additional fields that are compatible with this class, see the field group reference for XDM Business Campaign Details.

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