Product class

Last update: 2023-12-15
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In Experience Data Model (XDM), the Product class captures the minimum set of properties that define a retail product.

Property Data type Description
productListPrice Currency Describes the default price of the product before sales and discounting.
_id String A unique, system-generated string identifier for the record. This field is used to track the uniqueness of an individual record, prevent duplication of data, and to look up that record in downstream services.

Since this field is system-generated, it does not be supplied an explicit value during data ingestion. However, you can still opt to supply your own unique ID values if you wish.
productDescription String A description of the product.
productID String A unique identifier for the product.
productLastModifiedDate DateTime An RFC3339 timestamp of when this product was last modified for any updates.
productManufacturedDate DateTime An RFC3339 timestamp of when this product was created.
productName String The name of the product.
productRating String The customer review rating of the product.

Compatible field groups

Adobe provides several standard field groups for use with the Product class. The following is a list of some commonly used field groups for the class:

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