Account Details data type

Last update: 2023-12-15
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Account Details is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type that describes details related to a business organization.

Data type structure

Property Data type Description
annualRevenue Currency The estimated amount of annual revenue of the organization.
DUNSNumber String The organization’s Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S Number. This is a non-indicative, nine-digit number assigned to each business location in the Dun & Bradstreet database having a unique, separate, and distinct operation, and is maintained solely by Dun & Bradstreet.
NAICSCode String The organization’s classification within the North American Industry Classification System.
NAICSDescription String A brief description of an organization’s line of business, based on its NAICS code.
SICCode String The organization’s Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code. This is a four-digit code that categorizes the industry that companies belong to based on their business activities.
SICDescription String A brief description of an organization’s line of business, based on its SIC code.
companyProductAndServices String The products and services that the organization is dealing or doing business in.
facebookPageUrl String A website link to the Facebook account of the organization.
industry String The industry that this organization is a part of. This is a free-form field, and it is advisable to use a structured value for queries or to use the xdm:classifier property.
jigsaw String The key for the organization.
linkedinPageUrl String A website link to the LinkedIn account of the organization.
logoUrl String A path to be combined with the URL of a Salesforce instance (for example, to generate a URL to request the social network profile image associated with the organization. The generated URL returns an HTTP redirect (code 302) to the social network profile image for the organization.
marketSegment String The named market audience that the organization participates in. This is a free-form field, and it is advisable to use a structured value for queries or to use the xdm:identifier property.
numberOfEmployees Integer The number of employees at the organization.
organizationType String A label describing the type of organization.
primaryEmailDomain String The primary email domain that the organization uses for its personnel.
rating Double The calculated score or star-rating for this organization. 1 indicates the maximum possible rating, and 0 is the minimum possible rating.
tickerSymbol String The stock market symbol for this account. Maximum of 20 characters.
twitterHandleUrl String A website link to the twitter handle of the organization.
website String The URL of the organization’s website.

For more details on the data type, refer to the public XDM repository:

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