Advertising Details Reporting data type

Last update: 2024-04-03
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Advertising Details Reporting is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type that captures key attributes related to advertisements. It includes information such as the ad ID, advertiser and campaign IDs, length, position within a sequence, details about the player rendering the ad, and so on. You can use this data type to track and analyze various aspects of ad performance and engagement, and provide insights into how audiences interact with and respond to different advertisements.

 Select to display a diagram of the Advertising Details Reporting data type.

A diagram of the Advertising Details Reporting data type.

Display name Property Data type Description
Ad Name friendlyName string The human readable name of the ad. In reporting, “Ad Name” is the classification and “Ad Name (variable)” is the eVar.
Ad ID name string The ID of the ad. Any integer and/or letter combination.
Ad Length Or Duration length integer The length of video ad in seconds.
Ad In Pod Position (Ad Start) podPosition integer The index of the ad inside the parent ad start, for example, the first ad has index 0 and the second ad has index 1.
Ad Player Name playerName string The name of the player responsible for rendering the ad.
Ad Advertiser advertiser string The company or brand whose product is featured in the ad.
Ad Campaign campaignID string The ID of the ad campaign.
Ad Creative ID creativeID string The ID of the ad creative.
Ad Site ID siteID string The ID of the ad site.
Ad Creative URL creativeURL string The URL of the ad creative.
Ad Placement ID placementID string The placement ID of the ad.
Ad Completed isCompleted boolean Tracks whether the ad has completed.
Ad Started isStarted boolean Tracks whether the Ad has started.
Ad Time Played timePlayed integer The total amount of time, in seconds, spent watching the ad (that is, the number of seconds played).

For more details on the field group, refer to the public XDM repository

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