Browser details data type

Last update: 2025-01-31
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Browser details is a standard XDM data type that describes details relating to a browser or application.

Property Data type Description
acceptLanguage String An IETF language tag (RFC 5646).
cookiesEnabled Boolean Indicates whether the user’s settings allow for the writing of cookies.
javaEnabled Boolean Indicates whether Java was enabled in the device the observation was made from.
javaScriptEnabled Boolean Indicates whether JavaScript was enabled in the device the observation was made from.
javaScriptVersion String The version of JavaScript supported during the observation.
javaVersion String The version of Java supported during the observation.
name String The application or browser name.
quicktimeVersion String The version of Apple Quicktime supported during the observation.
thirdPartyCookiesEnabled Boolean Indicates whether third-party cookies were enabled in the device the observation was made from.
userAgent String The HTTP user-agent string from the client request.
vendor String The application or browser vendor.
version String The application or browser version.
viewportHeight Integer The vertical size in pixels of the window the event was displayed inside. For a web-view event, this is the browser viewport height.
viewportWidth Integer The horizontal size in pixels of the window the event was displayed inside. For a web-view event, this is the browser viewport width.

For more details on the data type, refer to the public XDM repository:

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