Commerce data type

Last update: 2023-12-15
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Commerce is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type that describes the records related to buying and selling.

A diagram of the Commerce data type.

Display name Property Data type Description
Order order Order Describes the placed order for one or more products.
Promotion ID promotionID string A promotion identifier for the placed order, if one exists.
Cart Abandons cartAbandons Measure Describes when a product list has been identified as no longer accessible or purchasable by the user.
Checkouts checkouts Measure An action during the checkout process of a product list. There can be more than one checkout event if there are multiple steps in a checkout process. If there are multiple steps, the event time information and referenced page or experience is used to identify the step and individual events represented in order.
Product List (Cart) Adds productListAdds Measure The addition of a product to the product list, such as a product being added to a shopping cart.
Product List (Cart) Opens productListOpens Measure The initializations of a new product list, such as a shopping cart being created.
Product List (Cart) Removals productListRemovals Measure The removal or removals of a product entry from a product list, such as a product being removed from a shopping cart.
Product List (Cart) Reopens productListReopens Measure A product list that was previously abandoned that has been re-activated by the user.
Product List (Cart) Views productListViews Measure Describes when a view or views of a product list has occurred.View or views of a product-list has occurred.
Product Views productViews Measure Describes when a view or views of an individual product has occurred.
Purchases purchases Measure Used to track when an order has been accepted. The purchase event is the only required action in a commerce conversion. The purchase event must have a product list referenced.
Save For Laters saveForLaters Measure Describes when a product list is saved for future use, such as a wish list.
In Store Purchase inStorePurchase Measure Indicates an ‘inStore’ purchase. This information is saved for analytics use.
Cart cart cart The properties of the cart that contains one or more products.
Shipping shipping shipping The shipping details for one or more products.
Billing billing billing The billing details for one or more payments.
Instant Purchase instantPurchase Measure Describes when a product has been purchased instantly, potentially skipping the cart or checkout.
Requisition List Opens requisitionListOpens Measure Indicates the initialization of a new requisition list.
Requisition List Deletes requisitionListDeletes Measure Indicates the removal of requisition list.
Requisition List Adds requisitionListAdds Measure Indicates the addition of a product(s) to a requisition list.
Requisition List Removals requisitionListRemovals Measure Indicates the removal of a product(s) from a requisition product list.
Requisition List requisitionList requisitionlist The properties of requisition list created by the customer.
Scope commerceScope commercescope The commerce scope identifiers of where an event occurred (store view, store, website, etc.).

billing data type

billing is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type that contains information about billing details. Specifically, it focuses on the billing address.

A diagram of the billing data type.

Display name Property Data type Description
Billing Address address Postal Address The billing address.

For more details on the Commerce data type, refer to the public XDM repository:

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