Commerce is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type that describes the records related to buying and selling.
Display name | Property | Data type | Description |
Order | order |
Order | Describes the placed order for one or more products. |
Promotion ID | promotionID |
string | A promotion identifier for the placed order, if one exists. |
Cart Abandons | cartAbandons |
Measure | Describes when a product list has been identified as no longer accessible or purchasable by the user. |
Checkouts | checkouts |
Measure | An action during the checkout process of a product list. There can be more than one checkout event if there are multiple steps in a checkout process. If there are multiple steps, the event time information and referenced page or experience is used to identify the step and individual events represented in order. |
Product List (Cart) Adds | productListAdds |
Measure | The addition of a product to the product list, such as a product being added to a shopping cart. |
Product List (Cart) Opens | productListOpens |
Measure | The initializations of a new product list, such as a shopping cart being created. |
Product List (Cart) Removals | productListRemovals |
Measure | The removal or removals of a product entry from a product list, such as a product being removed from a shopping cart. |
Product List (Cart) Reopens | productListReopens |
Measure | A product list that was previously abandoned that has been re-activated by the user. |
Product List (Cart) Views | productListViews |
Measure | Describes when a view or views of a product list has occurred.View or views of a product-list has occurred. |
Product Views | productViews |
Measure | Describes when a view or views of an individual product has occurred. |
Purchases | purchases |
Measure | Used to track when an order has been accepted. The purchase event is the only required action in a commerce conversion. The purchase event must have a product list referenced. |
Save For Laters | saveForLaters |
Measure | Describes when a product list is saved for future use, such as a wish list. |
In Store Purchase | inStorePurchase |
Measure | Indicates an ‘inStore’ purchase. This information is saved for analytics use. |
Cart | cart |
cart | The properties of the cart that contains one or more products. |
Shipping | shipping |
shipping | The shipping details for one or more products. |
Billing | billing |
billing | The billing details for one or more payments. |
Instant Purchase | instantPurchase |
Measure | Describes when a product has been purchased instantly, potentially skipping the cart or checkout. |
Requisition List Opens | requisitionListOpens |
Measure | Indicates the initialization of a new requisition list. |
Requisition List Deletes | requisitionListDeletes |
Measure | Indicates the removal of requisition list. |
Requisition List Adds | requisitionListAdds |
Measure | Indicates the addition of a product(s) to a requisition list. |
Requisition List Removals | requisitionListRemovals |
Measure | Indicates the removal of a product(s) from a requisition product list. |
Requisition List | requisitionList |
requisitionlist | The properties of requisition list created by the customer. |
Scope | commerceScope |
commercescope | The commerce scope identifiers of where an event occurred (store view, store, website, etc.). |
billing is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type that contains information about billing details. Specifically, it focuses on the billing address.
Display name | Property | Data type | Description |
Billing Address | address |
Postal Address | The billing address. |
For more details on the Commerce data type, refer to the public XDM repository: