Environment data type

Last update: 2025-01-31
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Environment is a standard XDM data type that describes the surrounding environment of an observed event, specifically detailing transitory information such as network and software versions.


All values should be aligned with the DeviceAtlas database, licensed by Adobe.

Property Data type Description
_dc Object An object that contains a single field, language, which indicates the language of the environment to represent the user’s linguistic, geographical, or cultural preferences for data presentation. Languages are specified in language code as defined in IETF RFC 3066.
browserDetails Browser details Describes the browser-specific details of the environment, such as browser name, version, JavaScript version, user agent string, and accept language.
ISP String The name of the user’s internet service provider.
carrier String The name of the mobile network carrier or MNO (also known as a wireless service provider, wireless carrier, cellular company, or mobile network carrier) that sells and delivers communication services to to the user.
colorDepth Integer The number of bits used for each color component of a single pixel.
connectionType String The internet connection type. Accepted values include:
  • dialup
  • isdn
  • bisdn
  • dsl
  • cable
  • wireless_wifi
  • mobile
  • mobile_edge
  • mobile_2g
  • mobile_3g
  • mobile_lte
  • t1
  • t3
  • oc3
  • lan
  • modem
domain String The domain of the user’s ISP.
ipV4 String The numerical label assigned to a device participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication (32-bit).
ipV6 String The numerical label assigned to a device participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication (128-bit).
operatingSystem String The name of the operating system used when the observation was made. The attribute should not contain any version information such as 10.5.3, but instead contain “edition” designations such as Ultimate or Professional.
operatingSystemVendor String The name of the operating system vendor used when the observation was made.
operatingSystemVersion String The full version identifier for the operating system used when the observation was made. Versions are generally numerically composed but may be in a vendor-defined format.
type String The type of the application environment. See the appendix for accepted values.
viewportHeight Integer The vertical size in pixels of the window the experience was displayed inside. For a web-view event, this is the browser viewport height.
viewPortWidth Integer The horizontal size in pixels of the window the experience was displayed inside. For a web-view event, this is the browser viewport width.

For more details on the data type, refer to the public XDM repository:


The following section contains additional information about the Device data type.

Accepted values for type

The following table outlines the accepted values for type and their associated meanings:

Value Description
browser Browser
application Application
iot Internet of things
external External system
widget Application extension

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