External Source System Audit Attributes data type

Last update: 2024-11-20
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External Source System Audit Attributes is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type that captures audit details about an external source system.

Property Data type Description
externalKey B2B Source A composite identifier for the source used for auditing.
createdBy String The name of the user who created this record.
createdDate DateTime The date when this record was created.
externalID String External unique identifier for the source. This value is used to help identify and deduplicate if needed.
lastActivityDate DateTime The last activity date for the source system.
lastReferencedDate DateTime The last referenced date for the source system.
lastUpdatedBy String The name of the person who last updated this record.
lastUpdatedDate DateTime The last updated date for the source system. This value is used by the attribute merge policy to determine priority in the case of merge conflicts.
lastViewedDate DateTime The last viewed date for the source system.

For more details on the data type, refer to the public XDM repository:

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