Internal Site Search data type

Last update: 2023-12-15
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Internal Site Search is a standard XDM data type that describes an internal site search, including all related search behaviors and details.

Property Data type Description
autoCompleteClicked Boolean Indicates whether a visitor used a suggested or autocompleted search value to execute the search.
autoCompleteTypedValue String For autocomplete scenarios, users sometimes abandon their search and select a specific term from the dropdown. This value tracks what the user started to type in order to generate the specific set of suggested search terms.
autoCompleteValue String For autocomplete scenarios, users sometimes abandon their search and select a specific term from the dropdown menu. This value is used to track the specific terms selected.
instances Integer The number of times the internal site search occurred.
locationInPage String When multiple search boxes exist on the page, this value should be used to identify the specific location the user used to search.
nullInstances Integer The number of times the internal site search occurred that provided zero results.
numberOfResults Integer The total number of search results returned.
postalCode String The postal code used for the search, if applicable.
productFindingMethods String The internal site search term value with merchandising binding. This value indicates what term was searched for immediately before viewing a product.
radiusDistance Integer Combined with radiusType, indicates the selected distance of the search radius.
radiusType Integer The selected distance type of radiusDistance, either miles or kilometers.
refinementInstances Integer The number of times the internal site search was refined.
refinementType Array of strings Lists the refinement types applied to the search results. Examples include department, brand, price, in-store, review rating, color, material, and so on.
refinementValue String The value that the search was refined to.
resultsPageNumber Integer For paginated search results, this value tracks the page of results the visitor is viewing.
resultsPerPage Integer For paginated search results, this value tracks the number of search results displayed per page.
searchType String Captures the method of search being executed, if applicable. Examples could include a type-ahead search, directly typed search, or any other type of custom search functionality a site might have.
sortOrder String Combined with sortType, indicates the sort order of the search results, either ascending or descending.
term String The internal site search term entered by the visitor.

For more details on the data type, refer to the public XDM repository.

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