Player State Data Reporting data type

Last update: 2024-04-03
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Player State Data Reporting is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type that describes the various states and their occurrences within a media player. Use the Player State Data Reporting data type to capture different player states such as fullscreen, mute, closed captioning, picture-in-picture, and in-focus states. For each state, it records whether the state is set, the count of occurrences, and the total duration it remains active during the media playback.

A diagram of the  Player State Data Reporting data type.

Display name Property Data type Description
Player State Name name string The name of the player state. Enumerated: “fullscreen”, “mute”, “closedCaptioning”, “pictureInPicture”, “inFocus” with respective meanings.
Player State Set isSet boolean Whether or not the player state is set on that state.
Player State Count count integer The number of times that player state was set on the stream.
Player State Time time integer The total duration of that player state.

For more details on the field group, refer to the public XDM repository

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