Postal address is a standard XDM data type that describes the details of a mailing address.
Property | Description |
city |
The name of the city. |
country |
The name of the government-administered territory. This is a free-form field that can have the country name in any language. |
countryCode |
The two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country. |
createdByBatchID |
The ID of the ingested batch file that created the address record. |
dmaID |
The Nielsen media research designated market area. |
label |
A free-form name for the address. |
lastVerifiedDate |
The date that the address was last verified as still associated to the person. |
modifiedByBatchID |
The ID of the ingested batch file that last modified the record. |
msaID |
The metropolitan statistical area in the United States where the observation occurred. |
postOfficeBox |
The post office box of the address. |
postalCode |
The postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal code. |
primary |
A Boolean value that indicates whether this is the individual’s primary address. A profile can have only one primary address at a given point of time. |
region |
The region, county, or district portion of the address. |
repositoryCreatedBy |
The ID of the user who created the record. |
repositoryLastModifiedBy |
The ID of the user who last modified the record. |
stateProvince |
The state, or province portion of the observation. The format follows the ISO 3166-2 (country and subdivision) standard. |
status |
Indicates whether the address can be currently used. |
statusReason |
A description of the current status . |
street1 - street4 |
These four fields are meant to contain primary street level information, apartment number, street number, and street name. street2 to street4 are optional. |
For more details on the postal address data type, refer to the public XDM repository: