QoE (Quality of Experience) Data Details Reporting data type

Last update: 2024-04-03
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QoE Data Details Reporting is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type provides detailed metrics related to the quality of experience (QoE) during media playback. Use the QoE Data Details Reporting data type to capture details such as bitrate information, frame rates, buffering events, dropped frames, and so on. Media reporting fields are used by Adobe services to analyze the Media Collection fields sent by users. This data, alongside other specific user metrics, are computed and reported upon. This data type enables the analysis of playback quality, allowing for insights into streaming performance, user experience, and potential issues encountered during playback sessions.

 Select to display the QoE Data Details Reporting data type.

A diagram of the QoE (Quality of Experience) Data Details Reporting data type.


Each display name contains a link to further information on its audio and video parameters. The linked pages contain details on the video ad data collected by Adobe, implementation values, network parameters, reporting, and important considerations.

Display name Property Data type Description
Average Bitrate bitrateAverage number The average bitrate (in kbps, integer). Computed as a weighted average of bitrate values.
Average Bitrate Bucket bitrateAverageBucket string The average bitrate (in kbps) categorized in predefined buckets at 100kbps intervals.
Bitrate bitrate integer The bitrate value (in kbps).
Bitrate Change Impacted Streams hasBitrateChangeImpactedStreams boolean Indicates if streams were impacted by bitrate changes during playback.
Bitrate Changes bitrateChangeCount integer The total count of bitrate changes during playback.
Buffer Events bufferCount integer The count of different buffer states during playback.
Buffer Impacted Streams hasBufferImpactedStreams boolean Indicates if streams were impacted by buffering during playback.
Dropped Frame Impacted Streams hasDroppedFrameImpactedStreams boolean Indicates if streams were impacted by dropped frames during playback.
Dropped Frames droppedFrames integer The total count of frames dropped during playback.
Drops Before Starts isDroppedBeforeStart boolean Indicates if users quit the video before its start, regardless of ads.
Error Impacted Streams hasErrorImpactedStreams boolean Indicates if streams experienced errors during playback.
Errors errorCount integer The total count of errors that occurred during playback.
External Error IDs externalErrors array of strings Unique error IDs from external sources, e.g., CDN errors.
Frames Per Second framesPerSecond integer The current stream frame-rate (in frames per second).
Media SDK Error IDs mediaSdkErrors array of strings Unique error IDs generated by Media SDK during playback.
Player SDK Error IDs playerSdkErrors array of strings Unique error IDs generated by the player SDK during playback.
Stalling Events stallCount integer The count of stalling events during playback.
Stalling Impacted Streams hasStallImpactedStreams boolean Indicates if streams experienced stalling during playback.
Time To Start timeToStart integer Duration (in seconds) between video load and start.
Total Buffer Duration bufferTime integer Total time (in seconds) spent buffering during playback.
Total Stalling Duration stallTime integer The total time (in seconds) the playback was stalled during playback.

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