Return Item data type

Last update: 2024-03-07
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Return Item is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type captures essential details related to the return process for a purchased item.

A diagram of the  Return Item data type.

Display name Property Data type Description
Return Status returnStatus string The status of the returned item (for example, Pending or Approved).
Return Reason returnReason string The reason why the return was requested for the item.
Return Item Condition returnItemCondition string The condition of the item for which the return is requested.
Return Resolution returnResolution string The desired resolution or outcome expected from the return (for example, Refund or Exchange).
Return Quantity Requested returnQuantityRequested integer The quantity of the item that the shopper requested to return.
Return Quantity Authorized returnQuantityAuthorized integer The quantity of the item authorized to be returned.
Return Quantity Received returnQuantityReceived integer The quantity of returned items received.
Return Quantity Approved returnQuantityApproved integer The quantity of the item with a return fully complete and approved.

For more details on the data type, refer to the public XDM repository:

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