Session Details Reporting data type

Last update: 2024-04-03
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Session Details Reporting is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type that tracks data related to media playback sessions.
Media reporting fields are used by Adobe services to analyze the media collection fields sent by users. This data, alongside other specific user metrics, are computed and reported upon. The schema encompasses a wide range of properties that provide insights into user behavior and content consumption patterns. Use the Session Details Reporting data type to capture user engagement by logging playback events, ad interactions, progress markers, pauses, and other metrics.

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A diagram of the  Session Details Reporting data type.


Each display name contains a link to further information on its audio and video parameters. The linked pages contain details on the video ad data collected by Adobe, implementation values, network parameters, reporting, and important considerations.

Display name Property Data type Description
10% Progress Marker hasProgress10 Boolean Indicates that the playhead passed the 10% marker of media based on stream length. The marker is only counted once, even if seeking backward. If seeking forward, markers that are skipped are not counted.
25% Progress Marker hasProgress25 Boolean Indicates that the playhead passed the 25% marker of media based on stream length. Marker only counted once, even if seeking backward. If seeking forward, markers that are skipped are not counted.
50% Progress Marker hasProgress50 Boolean Indicates that the playhead passed the 50% marker of media based on stream length. Marker only counted once, even if seeking backward. If seeking forward, markers that are skipped are not counted.
75% Progress Marker hasProgress75 Boolean Indicates that the playhead passed the 75% marker of media based on stream length. Marker only counted once, even if seeking backward. If seeking forward, markers that are skipped are not counted.
95% Progress Marker hasProgress95 Boolean Indicates that the playhead passed the 95% marker of media based on stream length. Marker only counted once, even if seeking backward. If seeking forward, markers that are skipped are not counted.
Ad Count adCount Integer The number of ads started during the playback.
Ad Load Type adLoad String The type of ad loaded as defined by each customer’s internal representation.
Album album String The name of the album that the music recording or video belongs to.
Artist artist String The name of the album artist or group performing the music recording or video.
Asset ID assetID String The Asset ID is the unique identifier for the content of the media asset, such as the TV series episode identifier, movie asset identifier, or live event identifier. Typically these IDs are derived from metadata authorities such as EIDR, TMS/Gracenote, or Rovi. These identifiers can also be from other proprietary or in-house systems.
Author author String The name of the media author.
Average Minute Audience averageMinuteAudience Number Describes the average content time spent for a specific media item - that is, the total content time spent divided by the length of all of the playback sessions.
Broadcast Content Type contentType String The Broadcast Content Type of the stream delivery. Available values per Stream Type include:
Audio: “song”, “podcast”, “audiobook”, and “radio”;
Video: “VoD”, “Live”, “Linear”, “UGC”, and “DVoD”.
Customers can provide custom values for this parameter.
Broadcast Network network String The network/channel name.
Chapter Count chapterCount Integer The number of chapters started during the playback.
Content Channel channel String The Content Channel is the distribution channel from where the content was played.
Content Completes isCompleted Boolean Content Completes indicates if a timed media asset was watched to completion. This event does not necessarily mean that the viewer watched the whole video; the viewer could have skipped ahead.
Content Delivery Network cdn String The Content Delivery Network of the content played.
Content ID name String The Content ID is a unique identifier of the content. It can be used to link back to other industry or CMS IDs.
Content Name friendlyName String The Content Name is the “friendly” (human-readable) name of the content.
Content Player Name playerName String The name of the content player.
Content Starts isPlayed Boolean Content Starts becomes true when the first frame of media is consumed. If the user drops during an ad, buffering, and so on, then there would be no Content Starts event.
Content Time Spent timePlayed Integer Content Time Spent sums the event duration (in seconds) for all events of type PLAY on the main content.
Creator Name originator String The name of the content creator.
Day Part dayPart String A property that defines the time of the day when the content was broadcast or played. This could have any value set as necessary by customers
Episode Number episode String The number of the episode.
Estimated Streams estimatedStreams Number The estimated number of video or audio streams for each individual piece of content.
Federated Data isFederated Boolean Federated Data is set to true when the hit is federated (that is, received by the customer as part of a federated data share, rather than their own implementation).
Feed Type feed String The type of feed, which can either represent actual feed-related data such as EAST HD or SD, or the source of the feed like a URL.
First Air Date firstAirDate String The date when the content first aired on television. Any date format is acceptable, but Adobe recommends: YYYY-MM-DD.
First Digital Date firstDigitalDate String The date when the content first aired on any digital channel or platform. Any date format is acceptable but Adobe recommends: YYYY-MM-DD.
Genre genre String The type or grouping of content as defined by the content producer. Values should be comma-delimited in variable implementation.
Media Authorized authorized String Confirms whether the user has been authorized via Adobe authentication.
Media Content Length length Integer YES
Media Downloaded Flag isDownloaded Boolean The stream was played locally on the device after being downloaded.
Media Segment Views hasSegmentView Boolean Media Segment Views indicates when at least one frame, not necessarily the first, has been viewed.
Media Session ID ID String The Media Session ID identifies an instance of a content stream unique to an individual playback.
Note:sessionId is sent on all events, except for sessionStart and for all downloaded events.
Media Session Server Timeout secondsSinceLastCall Number The Media Session Server Timeout indicates the amount of time, in seconds, that passed between the user’s last known interaction and the moment the session was closed.
Media Starts isViewed Boolean The load event for the media. This occurs when the viewer selects the play button. This counts even if there are pre-roll ads, buffering, errors, and so on.
Media Time Spent totalTimePlayed Integer Describes the total amount of time spent by a user on a specific timed media asset, which includes time spent watching ads.
MVPD Identifier mvpd String The MVPD Identifier that was provided via Adobe authentication.
Pause Events pauseCount Integer Pause Events counts the number of pause periods that occurred during playback.
Pause Impacted Streams hasPauseImpactedStreams Boolean Indicates if one or more pauses occurred during the playback of a single media item.
Pccr pccr Boolean Pccr indicates that a redirect occurred.
Pev3 pev3 String Pev3 is the type of media stream used for reporting.
Publisher publisher String The name of the audio content publisher.
Radio Station station String The radio station name on which the audio is played.
Rating Value rating String The rating as defined by TV Parental Guidelines.
Record Label label String The name of the record label.
Resume hasResume Boolean Marks each playback that was resumed after more than 30 minutes of buffer, pause, or stall period.
Season Number season String The Season Number that the show belongs to. Season Series is required only if the show is part of a series.
Series Name show String The Program/Series Name. The Program Name is required only if the show is part of a series.
Show Type showType String The type of content, for example, trailer or full episode.
Stream Format streamFormat String The format of the stream (HD, SD).
Stream Type streamType String The type of the media stream.
Total Pause Duration pauseTime Integer Total Pause Duration describes the duration in seconds in which playback was paused by the user.
Unique Time Played uniqueTimePlayed Integer Describes the sum of the unique intervals seen by a user on a timed media asset - that is, the length playback intervals viewed multiple times are only counted once.
Version appVersion String The SDK version used by the player. This could have any custom value that makes sense for your player.
Video Segment segment String The interval that describes the part of the content that has been viewed in minutes.

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