XDM Business Campaign Member Details schema field group

Last update: 2023-12-15
  • Topics:
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XDM Business Campaign Member Details is a standard schema field group for the XDM Business Campaign Members class, which captures detailed information about a business campaign.

The structure of the XDM Business Campaign Member Details field group as it appears in the UI

Property Data type Description
acquiredByCampaignKey B2B Source The composite ID of the campaign that acquired this campaign member.
acquiredByCampaignID String A string identifier for the campaign that acquired this campaign member.
firstRespondedDate DateTime An ISO 8601 timestamp of when the person first responded to the campaign.
hasReachedSuccess Boolean Indicates whether this campaign member has resulted in a successful conversion.
hasResponded Boolean Indicates whether this campaign member has responded to the campaign.
isDeleted Boolean Indicates whether this campaign member has been deleted in Marketo Engage.

When using the Marketo source connector, any records that are deleted in Marketo are automatically reflected in Real-Time Customer Profile. However, records relating to these profiles may still persist in the Data Lake. By setting isDeleted to true, you can use the field to filter out which records have been deleted from your sources when querying the Data Lake.
isExhausted Boolean Indicates whether this campaign member has exhausted all campaign interactions.
lastStatus String The last status for the campaign member.
memberStatus String The current status for the campaign member.
memberStatusReason String The reason behind the current status for the campaign member.
membershipDate DateTime The reason behind the current status for the campaign member.
nurtureCadence String The time cadence for campaign-related information to be presented to the campaign member.
nurtureTrackName String The name of the nurture program that this campaign member is subject to.
reachedSuccessDate DateTime An ISO 8601 timestamp for when a successful conversion was made for the campaign member.
webinarConfirmationUrl String The webinar confirmation URL for the campaign member.
webinarRegistrationID String The webinar registration ID for the campaign member.

For more details on the field group, refer to the public XDM repository:

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