XDM Business Campaign Details is a standard schema field group for the XDM Business Campaign class, which captures detailed information about a business campaign.
Property | Data type | Description |
actualCost |
Currency | Represents the real cost of the business campaign. |
budgetedCost |
Currency | Represents the budgeted cost of the business campaign. |
expectedRevenue |
Currency | Represents the revenue that the business campaign is expected to generate. |
parentCampaignKey |
B2B Source | The composite ID for a parent campaign, if applicable. |
campaignEndDate |
DateTime | An ISO 8601 timestamp of when the campaign ended, or will end. |
campaignProgressionName |
String | The campaign progression name. |
campaignStartDate |
DateTime | An ISO 8601 timestamp of when the campaign started, or will start. |
campaignStatus |
String | The current status of the campaign. |
channelName |
String | The name of the channel associated with this campaign. |
expectedResponse |
String | The expected response for the campaign. |
integrationPartnerName |
String | The name of the partner that has integrated with this campaign. |
isActive |
Boolean | Indicates whether this campaign is active. |
isDeleted |
Boolean | Indicates whether this campaign has been deleted in Marketo Engage. When using the Marketo source connector, any records that are deleted in Marketo are automatically reflected in Real-Time Customer Profile. However, records relating to these profiles may still persist in the Data Lake. By setting isDeleted to true , you can use the field to filter out which records have been deleted from your sources when querying the Data Lake. |
lastActivityDate |
DateTime | An ISO 8601 timestamp of the last activity associated with the campaign. |
timeZone |
String | The timezone that the campaign operates in. |
timeZoneDelivery |
String | The delivery timezone that the campaign operates in. |
timeZoneName |
String | The name of the timezone that the campaign operates in. |
webinarHistorySyncDate |
DateTime | An ISO 8601 timestamp of the last webinar history sync for this campaign. |
webinarHistorySyncStatus |
String | The status of the webinar history sync for this campaign. |
webinarSessionDescription |
String | A description of the webinar session associated with this campaign. |
webinarSessionName |
String | A name of the webinar session associated with this campaign. |
For more details on the field group, refer to the public XDM repository.