Card Actions schema field group

Last update: 2023-12-15
  • Topics:
  • Schemas
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  • Created for:
  • Developer

Card Actions is a standard schema field group for the XDM ExperienceEvent class. The field group provides a single personalFinances.cardActions field to a schema, which captures details about a card action such as card type, activation status, and lock status.

Property Data type Description
cardActivated Integer Tracks when the card has been successfully activated.
cardActivationStart Integer Tracks when the card activation process has been started.
cardCancelled Integer Tracks when a card has been cancelled.
cardControlsLocked Integer Tracks when a card’s controls have been locked.
cardControlsUnlocked Integer Tracks when a card’s controls have been unlocked.
cardID String The identifier for the card being activated. This value might be different from the card number.
cardLocked Integer Tracks when a card has been locked.
cardOrderNew Integer Tracks when a card has been requested.
cardOrderType String The type of card order associated with a card order event.
cardType String The type of card.
cardUnlocked Integer Tracks when a card has been unlocked.

For more details on the field group, refer to the public XDM repository.

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