Lodging Reservation schema field group

Last update: 2023-12-15
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Lodging Reservation is a standard schema field group for the XDM ExperienceEvent class used to capture information regarding a lodging reservation.

The field group is an extension of the Reservation Details field group, and contains all of the same fields under a single object-type field, reservations. In addition to these generic fields, Lodging Reservation also includes lodgingReservations array. This array of objects is used to describe one or more reservations with properties unique to lodging.


This document covers the details of the lodgingReservations array. For information on the other fields provided under the reservations object, please refer to the Reservation Details field group reference.

Lodging Reservation structure


lodgingReservations is an array of objects that represents a list of lodging reservations. If a reservation event involves reservations at multiple different hotels along the route of a trip, for example, these reservations can be listed as individual objects under lodgingReservations for a single event.

The structure of each object provided under lodgingReservations is provided below.

lodgingReservations structure

Property Data type Description
averageDailyPrice Currency The average daily price of the hotel room.
lodgingCheckIn Object An object that describes lodging check-in details. Includes the following values:
  • digitalKey: (Integer) Indicates when a guest selects the use of a digital key upon checking in.
  • earlyCheckInRequested: (Integer) Indicates when a guest requests to check in earlier than normal check-in hours.
  • lateCheckInRequested: (Integer) Indicates when a guest requests to check in later than normal check-in hours.
  • noRoomCheckIn: (Integer) This value is captured when a guest finishes checking in when there are no rooms available at that time.
  • oneRoomCheckIn: (Integer) This value is captured when a guest finishes checking in when there is only one room available at that time.
  • roomKeys: (Integer) The number of standard room keys provided at check-in.
  • userSelectedRoom: (Boolean) Indicates whether the guest selected their room at check-in.
rackrate Currency The cost for a same-day reservation without prior booking arrangements.
ID String The reservation number or identifier.
agentID String The agent ID associated with the hotel booking.
basePrice String The base price before any discounts are added.
bookingID String The booking ID associated with the hotel booking.
cancellation Integer This value is captured when a reservation has been cancelled.
checkInDate DateTime The check-in date for the room reservation.
checkOutDate DateTime The check-out date for the room reservation.
confirmationNumber String The reservation confirmation number or identifier.
couponCode String A coupon code associated with the hotel booking.
created Integer This value is captured when a reservation has been created.
currencyCode String The ISO 4217 currency code used to make the purchase.
discountPercent Double The discount percentage associated with the booking.
freeCancelation Boolean Indicates whether the room has a free cancellation policy.
guestID String The guest ID associated with the hotel booking.
length Integer The total number of days for the reservation.
loyaltyID String The loyalty program ID for the guest listed in the reservation.
modification Integer This value is captured when a reservation has been modified.
modificationDate DateTime The time when the reservation was last modified.
numberOfAdults Integer The number of adults associated with the reservation.
numberOfChildren Integer The number of children associated with the reservation.
numberOfRooms Integer The number of rooms associated with the reservation.
propertyID String An identifier of the hotel or resort for the reservation.
propertyName String The name of the hotel or resort for the reservation.
purpose String The purpose of the reservation, typically either business or personal.
ratePlan String The rate deal on which the room was sold.
refundable Boolean Indicates whether the room is refundable.
reservationStatus String The status of the reservation.
roomAccessibilityType String The accessibility type of the room, such as mobility, hearing, or other.
roomCapacity Integer The number of people the hotel room holds.
roomType String The type of room being reserved.
smoking Boolean Indicates whether the room allows smoking.
tripType String Indicates if the reservation is for a one-way trip, a round trip, or a multi-city trip.

For more details on the field group, refer to the public XDM repository:

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