Sitetool Details schema field group

Last update: 2023-12-15
  • Topics:
  • Schemas
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  • Created for:
  • Developer

Sitetool Details is a standard schema field group for the XDM ExperienceEvent class. The field group provides a single sitetool object to a schema, which captures information collected by a sitetool.

Field group structure

Property Data type Description
dataGatheringEvent Object Indicates whether this event is a data-gathering event along with other related details. Contains the following properties:
  • data: (Map) Contains the JSON data that is collected and submitted as part of quiz, survey, or poll submit event.
  • isTrue: (Boolean) Indicates whether this event is a data-gathering event like quiz, survey, or poll.
  • score: (Integer) The score secured by the actor based on event responses.
actor String A person/member who did the action.
actorID String A unique identifier for person/member who did the action.
isKeyEvent Boolean Indicates whether this event is a key event.
name String The name of the sitetool, such as chatbot, survey, and so on.
section String The relevant section of the sitetool like main or sub.

For more details on the field group, refer to the public XDM repository.

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