XDM Business Person Components schema field group

Last update: 2023-12-15
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XDM Business Person Components is a standard schema field group for the XDM Individual Profile class that captures multiple source records for a person, and other attributes which are required for person segmentation.

When a profile is created for a person through Real-Time Customer Profile in the B2B edition of Real-Time CDP, the information used to create that profile may potentially come from many source records. For example, if a person works for two different companies, many CRM systems would create an intentionally duplicate copy of that person so that one copy is linked to Company A, while the other is linked to Company B. When bringing that data into Adobe Experience Platform, this field group is used to merge those different source records into a single representation.

The field group provides a root-level personComponents field, which is an array of objects. Each object in the array represents a different source record.


You must follow the ingestion patterns as described in the sources documentation. Other field mapping methods are not guaranteed to work.

For example, each object of the personComponents array is submitted individually during standard ingestion patterns and then added to the array by Platform. Manually adding an array of objects to the Business Person Component will return an error.
You should use the auto-generation utility when creating schemas for your B2B data. See the documentation for instructions on how to use the B2B namespace and schema auto-generation utility. If you are not using the auto-generation utility and intend to manually map your data model, be sure to read the documentation on the Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform B2B Edition XDM classes before mapping your data.

See the end-to-end tutorial for information on recommended workflows for B2B data.

Property Data type Description
sourceAccountKey B2B Source A composite identifier for the account associated with the person.
sourceConvertedContactKey B2B Source A composite identifier for the related contact if this lead was converted.
sourceExternalKey B2B Source A composite identifier for the source system the person’s data originated from.
sourcePersonKey B2B Source A composite identifier for the person.
workEmail Email address The work email ID of the person.
personGroupID String A group identifier for the person.
personScore String A score generated for the person by a CRM system.
personSource String A unique string-based identifier for the source system the person’s data originated from.
personStatus String The current marketing or sales status of the person.
personType String The type of person in a B2B context.
sourceAccountID String A unique string-based identifier for the account in the source system associated with the person. This field is used as a foreign key by the system to look up the different companies that this person works for.
sourceConvertedContactID String A unique string-based identifier for the related contact if this lead was converted.
sourceExternalID String A unique string-based identifier for the source system that the person’s data originated from.
sourcePersonID String A unique string-based identifier for the person.

For more details on the field group, refer to the public XDM repository:

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