Profile Partner Enrichment (Sample) schema field group

Last update: 2024-03-07
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Profile Partner Enrichment (Sample) is a standard schema field group for the XDM Individual Profile class. Use this field group to provide additional data related to partner-driven enrichments for customer profiles.

A diagram of the Profile Partner Enrichment (Sample) field group.

Display name Property Data type Description
ageRangeInHousehold ageRangeInHousehold string The age range within the household.
apparelAccessories apparelAccessories string Apparel and accessories data.
bicycling bicycling string Bicycling-related information.
cableTv cableTv string Information related to cable TV.
domestics domestics string Domestic-related data.
electronics electronics string Electronics-related information.
foodAndBeverage foodAndBeverage string Food and beverage data.
footwear footwear string Footwear-related information.
healthFoods healthFoods string Health foods data.
hiking hiking string Hiking-related information.
householdId householdId string The unique ID for a household.
individualId individualId string The unique ID for an individual.
inferredCardHolder inferredCardHolder string Inferred cardholder information.
inferredPremiumCardholder inferredPremiumCardholder string Inferred premium cardholder details.
matchLevelFlag matchLevelFlag string Match level flag data.
BuyerRating buyerRating string Buyer rating information.
DonorRating donorRating string Donor rating details.
InvestmentRating investmentRating string Investment rating data.
ResponderRating responderRating string Responder rating information.
SpendingVelocity spendingVelocity string Spending velocity details.
SpendingVolume spendingVolume string Spending volume information.
recordId recordId string Unique record identifier.
residenceId residenceId string Unique ID for residence.
sailing sailing string Sailing-related data.
seasonalHolidayProducts seasonalHolidayProducts string Seasonal holiday product information.
skiing skiing string Skiing-related data.
tennis tennis string Tennis-related information.
tvShoppers tvShoppers string TV shoppers’ information.

For more details on the field group, refer to the full schema on the public XDM repository.

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