Telecom Subscription schema field group

Last update: 2023-12-15
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The names of several schema field groups have changed. See the document on field group name updates for more information.

Telecom Subscription is a standard schema field group for the XDM Individual Profile class which describes a customer’s telecom subscription plan, including pricing, packages, and individual product subscriptions.

The field group provides a single object-type field, telecomSubscription, whose properties are described below.

Telecom Subscription structure

Property Data type Description
internetSubscription Array of objects Describes internet subscription plan details such as data cap, connection type, and speed details. See the section below for more information.
landlineSubscription Array of objects Describes landline subscription plan details, including selected features, minutes, and dialing plans. See the section below for more information.
mediaSubscription Array of objects Describes media subscription plan details, including the number of channels and included streaming services. See the section below for more information.
mobileSubscription Array of objects Describes mobile subscription plan details, including the number of lines, data rates, cost, and more. See the section below for more information.
primarySubscriber Person Describes the owner of the subscription.
bundleName String Captures the name of any type of subscription bundle in which the customer is enrolled, such as Internet + Media.
primaryPartyID String An identifier for the primary person responsible for the subscription, which typically could be their device phone number.

For more details on the field group, refer to the public XDM repository:


internetSubscription is provided as an array of objects. The structure of each object is described below.


Property Data type Description
subscriptionDetails Telecom Subscription Describes general details about the subscription, including subscription length, fees, status, and more. Describes general details about the subscription, including subscription length, fees, status, and more.
connectionType String The connection type for the subscription.
dataCap Integer The data cap limit for the account, in megabytes (MB).
downloadSpeed Integer The maximum download speed available for the subscription, in megabytes (MB).
selfSetup Boolean Indicates whether a customer is eligible for internet setup without a visit from a technician.
uploadSpeed Integer The maximum upload speed available for the subscription, in megabytes (MB).


landlineSubscription is provided as an array of objects. The structure of each object is described below.


Property Data type Description
phoneNumber Phone Number The phone number assigned to this subscription.
subscriptionDetails Telecom Subscription Describes general details about the subscription, including subscription length, fees, status, and more.
callBlocking Boolean Indicates whether the landline subscription features include call blocking.
callForwarding Boolean Indicates whether the landline subscription features include call forwarding.
callWaiting Boolean Indicates whether the landline subscription features include call waiting.
callerID Boolean Indicates whether the landline subscription features include caller ID.
internationalCalling Boolean Indicates whether the landline subscription features include international calling.
minutes Integer The number of monthly minutes available within the subscription.
threeWayCalling Boolean Indicates whether the landline subscription features include three-way calling.
unlimitedDomesticLongDistance Boolean Indicates whether the landline subscription features include unlimited domestic long-distance calling.
unlimitedLocalCalling Boolean Indicates whether the landline subscription features include unlimited local calling.
voicemail Boolean Indicates whether the landline subscription features include voicemail.


mediaSubscription is provided as an array of objects. The structure of each object is described below.


Property Data type Description
streamingServices Array of Objects A list of all streaming services included with the subscription. Each array item includes the following properties:
  • promotionLength: The length of the promotion, in months, if the streaming service was added as part of a promotion.
  • promotionalAddition: Indicates whether the streaming service was added as part of a promotion.
  • serviceName: The name of the streaming service.
subscriptionDetails Telecom Subscription Describes general details about the subscription, including subscription length, fees, status, and more.
channels Integer The number of channels included with the media subscription.


mobileSubscription is provided as an array of objects. The structure of each object is described below.


Property Data type Description
phoneNumber Phone Number The phone number assigned to this subscription.
subscriptionDetails Telecom Subscription Describes general details about the subscription, including subscription length, fees, status, and more.
earlyUpgradeEnrollment Boolean Indicates whether the customer opts in for early upgrades.
planLevel String The name of the mobile plan assigned to this subscription.
portedNumber Boolean Indicates whether the customer ports their number from another carrier.

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