Partner Prospect Details (Sample) field group

Last update: 2024-03-07
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Partner Prospect Details (Sample) is a standard schema field group for the XDM ExperienceEvent class. The Partner Prospect Details (Sample) provides a sample framework for various details related to a prospect’s profile. This framework streamlines the process of organizing and managing diverse prospect-related information.

This field group extends the Individual Prospect Profile class within the context of a partner.

A diagram of the Partner Prospect Details (Sample) field group.

Display name Property Data type Description
ageRangeInHousehold ageRangeInHousehold string Age range within the household.
apparelAccessories apparelAccessories string Preferences or involvement in apparel/accessories.
bicycling bicycling string Interest or involvement in bicycling activities.
cableTv cableTv string Indicates engagement with cable television.
domestics domestics string Preferences or engagement in domestic activities.
electronics electronics string Interest or engagement in electronic devices.
foodAndBeverage foodAndBeverage string Preferences or involvement in food/beverage.
footwear footwear string Interest or involvement in footwear.
healthFoods healthFoods string Preferences or involvement in health foods.
hiking hiking string Interest or involvement in hiking activities.
householdId householdId string A unique identifier for the household.
individualId individualId string A unique identifier for the individual.
inferredCardHolder inferredCardHolder string The inference of being a cardholder.
inferredPremiumCardholder inferredPremiumCardholder] string The inference of being a premium cardholder.
matchLevelFlag matchLevelFlag string An indicator of the matching level.
BuyerRating buyerRating string A rating related to buying behavior.
DonorRating donorRating string A rating related to donor behavior.
InvestmentRating investmentRating string A rating related to investment behavior.
ResponderRating responderRating string A rating related to responder behavior.
SpendingVelocity spendingVelocity string The speed or rate of spending.
SpendingVolume spendingVolume string The amount or volume of spending.
recordId recordId string A unique identifier for the record.
residenceId residenceId string A unique identifier for the residence.
sailing sailing string Indicates the interest or involvement in sailing activities.
seasonalHolidayProducts seasonalHolidayProducts string Indicates the preferences or involvement in holiday products.
skiing skiing string Indicates the interest or involvement in skiing activities.
tennis tennis string Indicates the interest or involvement in tennis activities.
tvShoppers tvShoppers string Indicates engagement with TV shopping.

For more details on the field group, refer to the full schema on the public XDM repository.

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