Healthcare Provider schema field group

Last update: 2023-12-15
  • Topics:
  • Schemas
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Healthcare Provider is a standard schema field group for the Provider class. It provides a single object-type field healthcareProvider which captures properties related to an individual health professional or a health facility organization licensed to provide health care diagnosis and treatment services.

Property Data type Description
addressDetails Array of objects Lists the address details for the provider. Each object includes the following properties:
  • address: (Postal address): The postal address for the provider.
  • addressType: (String) The type of address, indicating where the provider provides services.
emailAddress Email address The provider’s email address.
fax Phone number The provider’s fax number.
phoneNumber Phone number The provider’s phone number.
qualifications Array of objects Lists the certifications, licenses, or training pertaining to the provision of care. Each object includes the following properties:
  • issuer: (Account details): The organization that regulates and issues the qualification.
  • activePeriod: (Integer) The year until which the qualification is valid.
  • code: (String) A coded representation of the qualification.
classification String The service provider classification based on class or category (such as patient care, non patient care, and so on).
isActive Boolean Indicates whether the provider is active.
languages Array of strings A list of languages that the provider conducts operations under.
practiceGroupName String The practice group name for the service provider.
practiceGroupType String The practice group type for the service provider.
practiceType String The practice type for the service provider.
specialties Array of strings A list of specialties offered by this provider.

For more details on the field group, refer to the public XDM repository.

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