This document provides answers to frequently asked questions about Experience Data Model (XDM) and XDM System in Adobe Experience Platform, including a troubleshooting guide for common errors. For questions and troubleshooting related to other Platform services, please refer to the Experience Platform troubleshooting guide.
Experience Data Model (XDM) is an open-source specification that defines standardized schemas for customer experience management. The methodology on which Experience Platform is built, XDM System, operationalizes Experience Data Model schemas for use by Platform services. The Schema Registry provides a user interface and a RESTful API to access the Schema Library within Experience Platform. See the XDM documentation for more information.
The following is a list of answers to frequently asked questions about XDM System and use of the Schema Registry API.
In this section, you can find answers to fundamental questions about schema structure, field usage, and identification in the XDM System.
You can add fields to a schema by using a schema field group. Each field group is compatible with one or more classes, allowing the field group to be used in any schema that implements one of those compatible classes. While Adobe Experience Platform provides several industry field groups with their own pre-defined fields, you can add your own fields to a schema by creating custom field groups using the API or the user interface.
For details on creating field groups in the Schema Registry API, see the field group endpoint guide. If you are using the UI, see the Schema Editor tutorial.
Field groups are components that define one or more fields in a schema. Field groups enforce how their fields appear in the schema’s hierarchy, and therefore exhibit the same structure in every schema that they are included in. Field groups are only compatible with specific classes, as identified by their meta:intendedToExtend
Data types can also provide one or more fields for a schema. However, unlike field groups, data types are not constrained to a particular class. This makes data types a more flexible option to describe common data structures that are reusable across multiple schemas with potentially different classes.
All Schema Registry resources (schemas, field groups, data types, classes) have a URI that acts as a unique ID for reference and lookup purposes. When viewing a schema in the API, it can be found in the top-level $id
and meta:altId
For more information, see the resource identification section in the Schema Registry API guide.
A long field type is an integer with a maximum size of 53(+1) bits, giving it a potential range between -9007199254740992 and 9007199254740992. This is due to a limitation of how JavaScript implementations of JSON represent long integers.
For more information on field types, see the document on XDM field type constraints.
is a unique identifier for a schema. The meta:altId
provides an easy to reference ID for use in API calls. This ID avoids the need to be encoded/decoded each time it is used as with the JSON URI format.
XDM places the following restrictions on the use of this data type:
See the usage restrictions for map objects for more details.
Multilevel maps or maps of maps are not supported.
This section contains answers to common questions about defining and managing identities within your schemas.
In Experience Platform, identities are used to identify a subject (typically an individual person) regardless of the sources of data being interpreted. They are defined in schemas by marking key fields as “Identity”. Commonly used fields for identity include email address, phone number, Experience Cloud ID (ECID), CRM ID, and other unique ID fields.
Fields can be marked as identities using either the API or user interface.
In the API, identities are established by creating identity descriptors. Identity descriptors signal that a particular property for a schema is a unique identifier.
Identity descriptors are created by a POST request to the /descriptors endpoint. If successful, you will receive an HTTP Status 201 (Created) and a response object containing the details of the new descriptor.
For more details on creating identity descriptors in the API, see the document on descriptors section in the Schema Registry developer guide.
With your schema open in the Schema Editor, select the field in the Structure section of the editor that you wish to mark as an identity. Under Field Properties on the right-hand side, select the Identity checkbox.
For more details on managing identities in the UI, see the section on defining identity fields section in the Schema Editor tutorial.
Primary identities are optional, since schemas may have either zero or one of them. However, a schema must have a primary identity in order for the schema to be enabled for use in Real-Time Customer Profile. See the identity section of the Schema Editor tutorial for more information.
This section provides guidance on enabling schemas for use with Real-Time Customer Profile.
Schemas are enabled for use in Real-Time Customer Profile through the addition of a “union” tag within the meta:immutableTags
attribute of the schema. Enabling a schema for use with Profile can be done using the API or the user interface.
Make a PATCH request to update the schema and add the meta:immutableTags
attribute as an array containing the value “union”. If the update is successful, the response will show the updated schema which now contains the union tag.
For more information on using the API to enable a schema for use in Real-Time Customer Profile, see the unions document of the Schema Registry developer guide.
In Experience Platform, select Schemas in the left-navigation, and select the name of the schema you wish to enable from the list of schemas. Then, on the right-hand side of the editor under Schema Properties, select Profile to toggle it on.
For more information, see the section on use in Real-Time Customer Profile in the Schema Editor tutorial.
The schema is not automatically enabled for for Real-Time Customer Profile. You need to explicitly enable the dataset for Profile based on which schema is enabled for Profile. See the documentation to learn the steps and requirements needed to enable a dataset for use in Real-Time Customer Profile.
You cannot delete a schema after it has been enabled for Real-Time Customer Profile. Once a schema is enabled for Profile, it cannot be disabled or deleted, and fields cannot be removed from the schema. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully plan and verify the schema configuration before enabling it for Profile. You can however, delete a Profile-enabled dataset. Information is found here:
If you no longer wish for a Profile-enabled schema to be used, it’s recommended to rename the schema to include Do Not Use or Inactive.
This section provides clarifications on schema modification rules and the prevention of breaking changes.
Breaking changes can be made to a schema as long as it has never been used in the creation of a dataset or enabled for use in Real-Time Customer Profile. Once a schema has been used in dataset creation or enabled for use with Real-Time Customer Profile, the rules of Schema Evolution become strictly enforced by the system.
Union schemas are read-only and are automatically generated by the system. They cannot be edited directly. Union schemas are created for a specific class when a “union” tag is added to schema that implements that class.
For more information on unions in XDM, see the unions section in the Schema Registry API guide.
Experience Platform accepts datafiles in either Parquet or JSON format. The contents of these files must conform to the schema referenced by the dataset. For details about best practices for datafile ingestion, see the batch ingestion overview.
You cannot currently convert a schema to read-only.
The following is a list of error messages that you may encounter when working with the Schema Registry API.
"type": "",
"title": "Resource not found",
"status": 404,
"report": {
"registryRequestId": "a15996b5-5133-4cec-9bf7-7d1207904ae3",
"timestamp": "06-01-2021 04:11:06",
"detailed-message": "The requested class resource{TENANT_ID}/classes/11447bb484d4599d2cd9b0aseefff78b463cbbde1527f498 with version 1 is not found.",
"sub-errors": []
"detail": "The requested class resource{TENANT_ID}/classes/11447bb484d4599d2cd9b0aseefff78b463cbbde1527f498 with version 1 is not found."
This error displays when the system could not find a particular resource. The resource may have been deleted, or the path in the API call is invalid. Ensure that you have entered a valid path for your API call before trying again. You may want to check that you have entered the correct ID for the resource, and that the path is properly namespaced with the appropriate container (global or tenant).
Depending on the resource type being retrieved, this error can use any of the following type
For more information on constructing lookup paths in the API, see the container and resource identification sections in the Schema Registry developer guide.
"type": "",
"title": "Title not unique",
"status": 400,
"report": {
"registryRequestId": "a15996b5-5133-4cec-9bf7-7d1207904ae3",
"timestamp": "06-01-2021 04:11:06",
"detailed-message": "Object titles must be unique. An object{TENANT_ID}/classes/11447bb484d4599d2cd9b0aseefff78b463cbbde1527f498 already exists with the same title",
"sub-errors": []
"detail": "Object titles must be unique. An object{TENANT_ID}/classes/11447bb484d4599d2cd9b0aseefff78b463cbbde1527f498 already exists with the same title"
This error message displays when you attempt to create a resource with a title that is already being used by another resource. Titles must be unique across all resource types. For example, if you try to create a field group with a title that is already being used by a schema, you will receive this error.
"type": "",
"title": "Namespace validation error",
"status": 400,
"report": {
"registryRequestId": "a15996b5-5133-4cec-9bf7-7d1207904ae3",
"timestamp": "06-01-2021 04:11:06",
"detailed-message": "A custom field is defined under an invalid namespace. All custom fields must be defined under a top-level field named {TENANT_ID}.",
"sub-errors": []
"detail": "A custom field is defined under an invalid namespace. All custom fields must be defined under a top-level field named {TENANT_ID}."
This error message displays when you attempt to create a resource with improperly namespaced fields, or add improperly namespaced fields to an existing resource.
Resources that are defined by your organization must namespace their fields under your tenant ID in order to avoid conflicts with other industry and vendor resources. When building a schema using standard field groups, any custom fields that you add within the structure of those field groups must also be namespaced under your tenant ID.
Depending on the specific nature of the namespace error, this error can use any of the following type
URIs along with different message details:
Detailed examples of proper data structures for XDM resources can be found in the Schema Registry API guide:
"type": "",
"title": "Accept header invalid",
"status": 400,
"report": {
"registryRequestId": "a15996b5-5133-4cec-9bf7-7d1207904ae3",
"timestamp": "06-01-2021 04:11:06",
"detailed-message": "The supplied Accept header is not valid: application/vnd.adobe.xed+json;version=1 - A valid Accept value should look like application/vnd.adobe.{xed|xdm}+json",
"sub-errors": []
"detail": "The supplied Accept header is not valid: application/vnd.adobe.xed+json;version=1 - A valid Accept value should look like application/vnd.adobe.{xed|xdm}+json"
GET requests in the Schema Registry API require an Accept
header in order for the system to determine how to format the response. This error occurs when a required Accept
header is invalid or missing.
Depending on the endpoint you are using, the detailed-message
property indicates what a valid Accept
header should look like for a successful response. Ensure that you have correctly entered an Accept
header that is compatible with the API request you are trying to make before trying again.
Depending on the endpoint being used, this error can use any of the following type
For lists of compatible Accept headers for different API requests, please refer to their corresponding sections in the Schema Registry developer guide.
The following error messages are associated with operations involved in enabling schemas for Real-Time Customer Profile. See the unions section in the Schema Registry API guide for more information.
"type": "",
"title": "Union descriptor validation error",
"status": 400,
"report": {
"registryRequestId": "a15996b5-5133-4cec-9bf7-7d1207904ae3",
"timestamp": "06-01-2021 04:11:06",
"detailed-message": "If a schema contains properties that are associated with an xdm:descriptorOneToOne descriptor, those properties must also have a xdm:descriptorReferenceIdentity descriptor for that schema to participate in a union.",
"sub-errors": []
"detail": "If a schema contains properties that are associated with an xdm:descriptorOneToOne descriptor, those properties must also have a xdm:descriptorReferenceIdentity descriptor for that schema to participate in a union."
This error message displays when you attempt to enable a schema for Profile and one of its properties contains a relationship descriptor without a reference identity descriptor. Add a reference identity descriptor to the schema field in question to resolve this error.
"type": "",
"title": "Union descriptor validation error",
"status": 400,
"report": {
"registryRequestId": "a15996b5-5133-4cec-9bf7-7d1207904ae3",
"timestamp": "06-01-2021 04:11:06",
"detailed-message": "If both schemas from an existing xdm:descriptorOneToOne descriptor are promoted to union, and one of those schemas contains a primary identity, the xdm:identityNamespace of the source schema's descriptorReferenceIdentity field must match the xdm:namespace field of destination schema's xdm:descriptorIdentity field.",
"sub-errors": []
"detail": "If both schemas from an existing xdm:descriptorOneToOne descriptor are promoted to union, and one of those schemas contains a primary identity, the xdm:identityNamespace of the source schema's descriptorReferenceIdentity field must match the xdm:namespace field of destination schema's xdm:descriptorIdentity field."
For this error, the “destination schema” refers to the reference schema in the relationship.
In order to enable schemas that contain relationship descriptors for use in Profile, the namespace of the source field and the primary namespace of the reference field must be the same. This error message displays when you attempt to enable a schema that contains an unmatched namespace for its reference identity descriptor.
Ensure that the xdm:namespace
value of the reference schema’s identity field matches that of the xdm:identityNamespace
property in the source field’s reference identity descriptor to resolve this issue.
For a list of standard identity namespace codes, see the section on standard namespaces in the identity namespace overview.
"type": "",
"title": "Union descriptor validation error",
"status": 400,
"report": {
"registryRequestId": "a15996b5-5133-4cec-9bf7-7d1207904ae3",
"timestamp": "06-01-2021 04:11:06",
"detailed-message": "To participate in a union, a schema must include an identityMap fieldgroup or a primary identity descriptor.",
"sub-errors": []
"detail": "To participate in a union, a schema must include an identityMap fieldgroup or a primary identity descriptor."
Before enabling a schema for Profile, you must first create a primary identity descriptor for the schema, or include an identity map field to act at the primary identity instead.
"type": "",
"title": "Merge Schema Error",
"status": 400,
"report": {
"registryRequestId": "a15996b5-5133-4cec-9bf7-7d1207904ae3",
"timestamp": "06-01-2021 04:11:06",
"detailed-message": "Cannot merge incompatible data types. The path /person/name has already been defined in schema (id=0238be93d3e7a06aec5e0655955901ec) using a different data type. Types: string, object",
"sub-errors": []
"detail": "Cannot merge incompatible data types. The path /person/name has already been defined in schema (id=0238be93d3e7a06aec5e0655955901ec) using a different data type. Types: string, object"
All Profile-enabled schemas belonging to the same class must be able to merge together in order to construct the union schema for that class. This error appears when you try to add a field to a schema whose path is shared by another Profile-enabled schema and the data type is different than the original. Since the schemas are both Profile-enabled and contain the same field path, Profile would attempt to merge these two fields into one when constructing the union schema. Since different data types cannot be merged together, this would be considered a merge conflict and is not allowed.
To resolve the issue, choose a different name for the field or nest it under a uniquely namespaced object in order to avoid merge conflicts with other Profile-enabled schemas under the same class with similar fields.