Define XDM fields in the Schema Registry API

Last update: 2023-02-06
  • Topics:
  • Schemas
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  • Created for:
  • Developer

All Experience Data Model (XDM) fields are defined using the standard JSON Schema constraints that apply to their field type, with additional constraints for field names that are enforced by Adobe Experience Platform. The Schema Registry API allows you to define custom fields in your schemas through the use of formats and optional constraints. XDM field types are exposed by the field-level attribute, meta:xdmType.


meta:xdmType is a system-generated value, and therefore you are not required to add this property to the JSON for your field when using the API (except when creating custom map types). Best practice is to use JSON Schema types (such as string and integer) with the appropriate min/max constraints as defined in the table below.

This guide outlines the appropriate formatting to define different field types, including those with optional properties. More information regarding optional properties and type-specific keywords is available through the JSON Schema documentation.

To begin, find the desired field type and use the sample code provided to build your API request for creating a field group or creating a data type.


String fields are indicated by type: string.

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample String Field",
  "description": "An example string field.",
  "type": "string"

You can optionally constrain what kinds of values can be inputted for the string through the following additional properties:

  • pattern: A regex pattern to constrain by.
  • minLength: A minimum length for the string.
  • maxLength: A maximum length for the string.
"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample String Field",
  "description": "An example string field with added constraints.",
  "type": "string",
  "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
  "maxLength": 2


URI fields are indicated by type: string with a format property set to uri. No other properties are accepted.

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample URI Field",
  "description": "An example URI field.",
  "type": "string",
  "format": "uri"


Enum fields must use type: string, with the enum values themselves provided under an enum array:

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Enum Field",
  "description": "An example enum field.",
  "type": "string",
  "enum": [

You can optionally provide customer-facing labels for each value under a meta:enum property, with each label keyed to a corresponding value under enum.

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Enum Field",
  "description": "An example enum field with customer-facing labels.",
  "type": "string",
  "enum": [
  "meta:enum": {
      "value1": "Value 1",
      "value2": "Value 2",
      "value3": "Value 3"

The meta:enum value does not declare an enumeration or drive any data validation on its own. In most cases, strings provided under meta:enum are also provided under enum to ensure that data is constrained. However, there are some use cases where meta:enum is provided without a corresponding enum array. See the tutorial on defining suggested values for more information.

You can optionally provide a default property to indicate the default enum value that the field will use if no value is provided.

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Enum Field",
  "description": "An example enum field with customer-facing labels and a default value.",
  "type": "string",
  "enum": [
  "meta:enum": {
      "value1": "Value 1",
      "value2": "Value 2",
      "value3": "Value 3"
  "default": "value1"

If no default value is provided and the enum field is set to required, any record missing an accepted value for this field will fail validation upon ingestion.


Number fields are indicated by type: number and have no other required properties.

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Number Field",
  "description": "An example number field.",
  "type": "number"

number types are used for any numeric type, either integers or floating point numbers, whereas integer types are used for integral numbers specifically. Refer to the JSON Schema documentation on numeric types for more information on the use cases for each type.


Integer fields are indicated by type: integer and have no other required fields.

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Integer Field",
  "description": "An example integer field.",
  "type": "integer"

While integer types refer to integral numbers specifically, number types are used for any numeric type, either integers or floating point numbers. Refer to the JSON Schema documentation on numeric types for more information on the use cases for each type.

You can optionally constrain the range of the integer by adding minimum and maximum properties to the definition. Several other numerical types supported by the Schema Builder UI are just integer types with specific minimum and maximum constraints, such as Long, Short, and Byte.

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Integer Field",
  "description": "An example integer field with added constraints.",
  "type": "integer",
  "minimum": 1,
  "maximum": 100


The equivalent of a Long field created through the Schema Builder UI is an integer type field with specific minimum and maximum values (-9007199254740992 and 9007199254740992, respectively).

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Long Field",
  "description": "An example long field.",
  "type": "integer",
  "minimum": -9007199254740992,
  "maximum": 9007199254740992


The equivalent of a Short field created through the Schema Builder UI is an integer type field with specific minimum and maximum values (-32768 and 32768, respectively).

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Short Field",
  "description": "An example short field.",
  "type": "integer",
  "minimum": -32768,
  "maximum": 32768


The equivalent of a Byte field created through the Schema Builder UI is an integer type field with specific minimum and maximum values (-128 and 128, respectively).

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Byte Field",
  "description": "An example byte field.",
  "type": "integer",
  "minimum": -128,
  "maximum": 128


Boolean fields are indicated by type: boolean.

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Boolean Field",
  "description": "An example boolean field.",
  "type": "boolean"

You can optionally provide a default value that the field will use when no explicit value is provided during ingestion.

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Boolean Field",
  "description": "An example boolean field with a default value.",
  "type": "boolean",
  "default": false

If no default value is provided and the boolean field is set to required, any record missing an accepted value for this field will fail validation upon ingestion.


Date fields are indicated by type: string and format: date. You can also optionally provide an array of examples to leverage in cases where you want to display a sample date string for users entering the data manually.

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Date Field",
  "description": "An example date field with an example array item.",
  "type": "string",
  "format": "date",
  "examples": ["2004-10-23"]


DateTime fields are indicated by type: string and format: date-time. You can also optionally provide an array of examples to leverage in cases where you want to display a sample datetime string for users entering the data manually.

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Datetime Field",
  "description": "An example datetime field with an example array item.",
  "type": "string",
  "format": "date-time",
  "examples": ["2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00"]


Array fields are indicated by type: array and an items object that defines the schema of the items that the array will accept.

You can define array items using primitive types, such as an array of strings:

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Array Field",
  "description": "An example array field using a primitive type.",
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string"

You can also define the array items based on an existing data type by referring to the $id of the data type through a $ref property. The following is an array of Payment Item objects:

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Array Field",
  "description": "An example array field using a data type reference.",
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "$ref": ""


Object fields are indicated by type: object and a properties object that defines sub-properties for the schema field.

The each sub-field defined under properties can be defined using any primitive type or by referencing an existing data type through a $ref property pointing to the $id of the data type in question:

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Object Field",
  "description": "An example object field.",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "field1": {
      "type": "string"
    "field2": {
      "$ref": ""

You can also define the entire object through by referring to a data type, provided the data type in question is itself defined as type: object:

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Object Field",
  "description": "An example object field using a data type reference.",
  "$ref": ""


A map field is essentially an object-type field with an unconstrained set of keys. Like objects, maps have a type value of object, but their meta:xdmType is explicitly set to map.

A map must not define any properties. It must define a single additionalProperties schema to describe the type of values contained within the map (each map can only contain a single data type). The type value must be either string or integer.

For example, a map field with string-type values would be defined like so:

"sampleField": {
  "title": "Sample Map Field",
  "description": "An example map field.",
  "type": "object",
  "meta:xdmType": "map",
  "additionalProperties": {
    "type": "string"

See the section below for furthe details on creating custom map fields.

Creating custom map types

In order to support “map-like” data efficiently in XDM, objects may be annotated with a meta:xdmType set to map to make it clear that an object should be managed as if the key set were unconstrained. Data that is ingested into map fields must use string keys, and only string or integer values (as determined by additionalProperties.type).

XDM places the following restrictions on the use of this storage hint:

  • Map types MUST be of type object.
  • Map types MUST NOT have properties defined (in other words, they define “empty” objects).
  • Map types MUST include an additionalProperties.type field that describes the values that may be placed within the map, either string or integer.

Ensure that you are only using map-type fields when absolutely necessary, as they carry the following performance drawbacks:

  • Response time from Adobe Experience Platform Query Service degrades from three seconds to ten seconds for 100 million records.
  • Maps must have fewer than 16 keys or else risk further degradation.

The Platform user interface also has limitations in how it can extract the keys of map-type fields. Whereas object-type fields can be expanded, maps are displayed as a single field instead.

Next steps

This guide covered how to define different field types in the API. For more information how XDM field types are formatted, see the guide on XDM field type constraints.

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