This code snippet from the Reference Player shows one way of coding a Sessions request, along with extracting the Session ID (and the Media Collection API version) from the Location header in the response:
sessionData = {
"media.contentType": "VOD",
"": "sample-channel",
const SESSION_ID_EXTRACTOR = /^\/api\/(.*)\/sessions\/(.*)/;
"baseUrl": config.apiBaseUrl, // The endpoint
"path": config.apiSessionsPath, // api/v1/sessions/
"method": "POST", // (Always POST)
"data": sessionData // Mandatory params
}).then((response) => {
// Extract Session ID (and API version)
const [, apiVersion, sessionId] = response.headers.Location.match(SESSION_ID_EXTRACTOR);
this.sessionId = sessionId; // Session ID obtained
this._sessionStarted = true; // Session started.