Send Web data to Edge with the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK

Last update: 2024-12-13
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Starting with version 2.20.0, the streamingMedia component of the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK enables you to collect data related to media sessions on your website. The collected data can include information about media playbacks, pauses, completions, and other related events.

After data is collected, you can send it to Adobe Experience Platform and/or Adobe Analytics, to generate reports. This feature provides a comprehensive solution for tracking and understanding media consumption behavior on your website.

For customers who are using the Media JS SDK, Web SDK provides a migration path to move from Media JS SDK to Web SDK, while including support for existing Media JS functionalities, such as handling media events.


To use the streamingMedia component of Web SDK, you must meet the following prerequisites:

Follow the steps described in this page to migrate your Streaming Media Collection implementation from Media JS to Web SDK.

Step 1: Install Experience Platform Web SDK

See the dedicated documentation to learn how to install Web SDK on your web properties.

Step 2: Configure the Web SDK streamingMedia component.


The snippet below shows how you would configure media collection in Media JS.

var mediaConfig = new ADB.MediaConfig();
mediaConfig.trackingServer = "";
mediaConfig.playerName = "player_name"; = "sample_channel";
mediaConfig.appVersion = "app_version";
mediaConfig.debugLogging = true;
mediaConfig.ssl = true;

ADB.Media.configure(mediaConfig, appMeasurement);

Instead, you must configure the streamingMedia component in the Web SDK as exemplified below.

alloy("configure", {
  streamingMedia: {
    channel: "sample_channel",
    playerName: "player_name",
    appVersion: "app_version",
    mainPingInterval: 10,
    adPingInterval: 10

See the Web SDK streamingMedia component documentation for complete details on how to configure it.

Step 3: Get the media tracker instance when migrating from the Media JS SDK

For customers who are using the Media JS SDK, Web SDK provides a migration path to move from Media JS SDK to Web SDK, while including support for existing Media JS functionalities, such as handling media events.

Web SDK includes a command to retrieve a Media Analytics Tracker. You can use this command to create an object instance and then, using the same APIs as the ones provided by the Media JS library, track media events.

See the getMediaAnalyticsTracker documentation for complete details on the supported methods.

The snippet below shows how you would retrieve the media tracker instance in Media JS.

var tracker = ADB.Media.getInstance();

Instead, use the getMediaAnalyticsTracker command in Web SDK to achieve the same result, as shown below.

// aquire Media Analytics APIs
const Media = await window.alloy("getMediaAnalyticsTracker", {});
// create a media tracker instance
const trackerInstance = Media.getInstance();

All the helper methods will be available on the Media object. The tracker methods are available on the tracker instance, as shown below.

const mediaInfo = Media.createMediaObject(
  "video name",
  "player video",

const contextData = {
  isUserLoggedIn: "false",
  tvStation: "Sample TV station",
  programmer: "Sample programmer",
  assetID: "/uri-reference"

// Set standard Video Metadata
contextData[Media.VideoMetadataKeys.Episode] = "Sample Episode";
contextData[Media.VideoMetadataKeys.Show] = "Sample Show";

trackerInstance.trackSessionStart(mediaInfo, contextData);

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