In this scenario, the MediaHeartbeat
instance is used to create two separate sessions in sequence.
This scenario is the same as the VOD playback with no ads scenario.
Parameter | Value | Notes |
s:event:sid |
Unique session ID | A unique session ID that exists in all the heartbeat network calls until trackSessionEnd |
To create two instances of MediaHeartbeat
for two media players, set up the following code:
public class MediaAnalyticsProvider implements MediaHeartbeatDelegate {
private MediaPlayer _player;
private MediaHeartbeat _heartbeat;
public MediaAnalyticsProvider(MediaPlayer player) {
if (player == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Player reference cannot be null.");
_player = player;
// Media Heartbeat initialization
MediaHeartbeatConfig config = new MediaHeartbeatConfig();
config.appVersion = HEARTBEAT_SDK;
config.ovp = HEARTBEAT_OVP;
config.playerName = PLAYER_NAME;
config.ssl = false;
config.debugLogging = true;
_heartbeat = new MediaHeartbeat(this, config);
public MediaObject getQoSObject() {
return MediaHeartbeat.createQoSObject(BITRATE, STARTUP_TIME, FPS, DROPPED_FRAMES);
public Double getCurrentPlaybackTime() {
return _player.getCurrentPlaybackTime();
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Bootstrap the AppMeasurement library.
// Create the MediaPlayer instance.
_player = new MediaPlayer();
// Create the MediaAnalyticsProvider instance and
// attach it to the MediaPlayer instance.
_analyticsProvider = new MediaAnalyticsProvider(_player);
// Load the main media content.
Uri uri = Uri.parse("android.resource://" + getPackageName() + "/" + R.raw.media1);
To display the first session by using the MediaAnalyticsProvider
(hence MediaHeartbeat
) instance in Android, set up the following code:
// Set up mediaObject
MediaObject mediaInfo = MediaHeartbeat.createMediaObject(
HashMap<String, String> mediaMetadata = new HashMap<String, String>();
mediaMetadata.put(CUSTOM_VAL_1, CUSTOM_KEY_1);
mediaMetadata.put(CUSTOM_VAL_2, CUSTOM_KEY_2);
// 1. Call trackSessionStart() when the user clicks Play or if autoplay is used,
// i.e., there is an intent to start playback.
_mediaHeartbeat.trackSessionStart(mediaInfo, mediaMetadata);
// 2. Call trackPlay() when the playback actually starts, i.e., when the first
// frame of main content is rendered on the screen.
// 3. Call trackComplete() when the playback reaches the end, i.e., when the
// media completes and finishes playing.
// 4. Call trackSessionEnd() when the playback session is over. This method must
// be called even if the user does not watch the media to completion.
To display the second session, you can use the same MediaAnalyticsProvider
( MediaHeartbeat
) instance as the first session, but for a new session:
// Set up mediaObject
MediaObject mediaInfo = MediaHeartbeat.createMediaObject(
HashMap<String, String> mediaMetadata = new HashMap<String, String>();
mediaMetadata.put(CUSTOM_VAL_1, CUSTOM_KEY_1);
mediaMetadata.put(CUSTOM_VAL_2, CUSTOM_KEY_2);
// 1. Call trackSessionStart() when the user clicks Play or if autoplay is used,
// i.e., there is an intent to start playback.
_mediaHeartbeat.trackSessionStart(mediaInfo, mediaMetadata);
// 2. Call trackPlay() when the playback actually starts, i.e., when the first
// frame of main content is rendered on the screen.
// 3. Call trackComplete() when the playback reaches the end, i.e., when the
// media completes and finishes playing.
// 4. Call trackSessionEnd() when the playback session is over. This method
// must be called even if the user does not watch the media to completion.
To create two instances of MediaHeartbeat
for two media players, enter the following:
@interface MediaAnalyticsProvider : NSObject <ADBMediaHeartbeatDelegate>
@implementation {
MediaPlayer *_player;
- (instancetype)initWithPlayer:(AVPlayer *)player {
if (self = [super init]) {
_player = player;
ADBMediaHeartbeatConfig *config = [[ADBMediaHeartbeatConfig alloc] init];
config.appVersion = HEARTBEAT_SDK_VERSION;
config.playerName = PLAYER_NAME;
config.ssl = SSL_SETTING;
config.debugLogging = DEBUG_SETTING;
ADBMediaHeartbeatConfig *config = [[ADBMediaHeartbeatConfig alloc] init];
_mediaHeartbeat = [[ADBMediaHeartbeat alloc] initWithDelegate:self config:config];
[self setupPlayerNotifications];
return self;
- (ADBMediaObject *)getQoSInfo {
return [ADBMediaHeartbeat createQoSObjectWithBitrate:CURRENT_BITRATE_VALUE
- (NSTimeInterval)getCurrentPlaybackTime {
return CMTimeGetSeconds(_player.currentTime);
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[ADBMobile setDebugLogging:YES];
// Setup the first media player
NSURL *streamUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:CONTENT_URL];
if (!self.mediaPlayer) {
self.mediaPlayer = [[MediaPlayer alloc] initWithContentURL:streamUrl];
//setup player
// Create the MediaAnalyticsProvider instance and attach it to the first
// MediaPlayer instance.
if (!self.mediaAnalyticsProvider) {
self.mediaAnalyticsProvider =
[[MediaAnalyticsProvider alloc] initWithPlayerDelegate:self.mediaPlayer];
To display the first session by using the MediaAnalyticsProvider
(hence MediaHeartbeat
) instance in iOS, set up the following code:
// Set up mediaObject
ADBMediaObject *mediaObject =
[ADBMediaHeartbeat createMediaObjectWithName:MEDIA_NAME
NSMutableDictionary *mediaContextData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[mediaContextData setObject:CUSTOM_VAL_1 forKey:CUSTOM_KEY_1];
[mediaContextData setObject:CUSTOM_VAL_2 forKey:CUSTOM_KEY_2];
// 1. Call trackSessionStart when the user clicks Play or if autoplay is used,
// i.e., there's an intent to start playback.
[_mediaHeartbeat trackSessionStart:mediaObject data:mediaContextData];
// 2. Call trackPlay when the playback actually starts, i.e., when the first
// frame of the main content is rendered on the screen.
[_mediaHeartbeat trackPlay];
// 3. Call trackComplete when the playback reaches the end, i.e., when the
// media completes and finishes playing.
[_mediaHeartbeat trackComplete];
// 4. Call trackSessionEnd when the playback session is over. This method
// must be called even if the user does not watch the media to completion.
[_mediaHeartbeat trackSessionEnd];
To display the second session, you can use the same MediaAnalyticsProvider
( MediaHeartbeat
) instance as the first session, but for a new session:
// Set up mediaObject
ADBMediaObject *mediaObject =
[ADBMediaHeartbeat createMediaObjectWithName:MEDIA_NAME
NSMutableDictionary *mediaContextData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[mediaContextData setObject:CUSTOM_VAL_1 forKey:CUSTOM_KEY_1];
[mediaContextData setObject:CUSTOM_VAL_2 forKey:CUSTOM_KEY_2];
// 1. Call trackSessionStart when the user clicks Play or if autoplay is used,
// i.e., there is an intent to start playback.
[_mediaHeartbeat trackSessionStart:mediaObject data:mediaContextData];
// 2. Call trackPlay when the playback actually starts, i.e. when the first
// frame of the main content is rendered on the screen.
[_mediaHeartbeat trackPlay];
// 3. Call trackComplete when the playback reaches the end, i.e., when the
// media completes and finishes playing.
[_mediaHeartbeat trackComplete];
// 4. Call trackSessionEnd when the playback session is over. This method
// must be called even if the user does not watch the media to completion.
[_mediaHeartbeat trackSessionEnd];
var MediaHeartbeat =;
var MediaHeartbeatConfig =;
var MediaHeartbeatDelegate =;
function MediaAnalyticsProvider(player) {
if (!player) {
throw new Error("Illegal argument. Player reference cannot be null.")
this._player = player;
// Media Heartbeat initialization
var mediaConfig = new MediaHeartbeatConfig();
mediaConfig.trackingServer = Configuration.HEARTBEAT.TRACKING_SERVER;
mediaConfig.playerName = Configuration.PLAYER.NAME; = Configuration.HEARTBEAT.CHANNEL;
mediaConfig.debugLogging = true;
mediaConfig.appVersion = Configuration.HEARTBEAT.SDK;
mediaConfig.ssl = false;
mediaConfig.ovp = Configuration.HEARTBEAT.OVP;
var mediaDelegate = new MediaHeartbeatDelegate();
mediaDelegate.getCurrentPlaybackTime = function() {
return player.getCurrentPlaybackTime();
mediaDelegate.prototype.getQoSObject = function() {
return player.getQoSInfo();
this._mediaHeartbeat =
new MediaHeartbeat(mediaDelegate, mediaConfig, appMeasurement);
// Create the first MediaPlayer instance.
var _player1 = new MediaPlayer();
// Create the first MediaAnalyticsProvider instance and
// attach it to the MediaPlayer instance.
analyticsProvider1 = new MediaAnalyticsProvider(_player1);
// Load the main media content.